
Welcome to our website! Our two villages, Staveley and Copgrove, are about a mile apart and located within the Ripon, Knaresborough and Boroughbridge triangle, on the edge of the Vale of York (see the map below) in North Yorkshire. Staveley is the bigger village, with approximately 200 households, a pub (The Royal Oak) , primary school , church and village hall , but alas no shop. Both villages have a long history, dating back to the Domesday Book, and there are several Grade II listed properties within them. The centre of Staveley is a designated Conservation Area.

The villages’ main purpose historically has been to serve the agricultural community that surrounds them, but as times have changed, many residents today commute to nearby towns for their work.

Each village is very much a community. This community is made up of a diverse range of individuals, couples and families, and that gives rise to numerous and varied social and recreational activities within the villages.

One of Staveley and Copgrove’s greatest assets is the Staveley Nature Reserve , owned and administered by the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. This superb wetland site, lying close to the River Tutt, holds great interest for visitors with regular sightings of otters and several orchid species among the highlights.

The Reserve has a relatively small public car park located on Minskip Road on the edge of the village. However, due to a significant increase in visitor numbers in recent times, many are choosing to park elsewhere, either on the road adjacent to the Reserve car park or along the main street and Village Green area in the village. Please note there is no footpath along the road linking the village to the Reserve car park.

When parking within the village please be considerate, ensuring sufficient access to driveways, not obscuring views at junctions and not parking on pavements or verges. Please also remember that this is essentially a farming community and access for tractors and other farm vehicles, many of which are very large, needs to be maintained.

We have recently established a Staveley Community Speed Watch team to undertake regular speed watch sessions at a number of sites around the village at different times of the day. Further details of the scheme and our watch session results are available on our sister website here.

Latest News

You can see all of our news posts, including a short summary, on the News page. These are our latest five news posts …

You can find out about our email newsletter here, where you can also subscribe.

Our Next Meeting

Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (Provisional)

Date : Monday 10th March 2025  ICAL

Time : 7:00pm

Location : Staveley and Copgrove Village Hall

Open to the public
Meeting Agenda to follow
Previous meeting minutes to follow

meeting image

You can see our full meetings schedule here.

Our Financial Situation

You can see our annual returns here.

Latest Planning Applications in the Parish

The two most recent planning applications in the Parish are:

ZC23/03218/FUL AddressOrchard Corner Arkendale Road Staveley HG5 9JX DetailsReplacement of current solid grey electric access gates with 1.68m wooden slatted electric gates. Submitted: 10th October 2023 , Status: Awaiting Decision

ZC23/03520/DVCON AddressMoor End Farm Arkendale Road Staveley HG5 9JU DetailsRemoval of condition 7 (agricultural occupancy) of planning permission 79/12340/OUT - Erecting agricultural worker\\\'s bungalow. Submitted: 25th September 2023 , Status: Refused
20th November 2023

You can see all the planning applications for the Parish since the start of 2018 here.

Latest Documents in our Library

The latest two additions to our document library are:

IDDocument NameTypeSize
04682023-05 FC MinutesPortable Document Format6 Kb
04672024-07 FC MinutesPortable Document Format134 KB

You can see all 454 documents in the public section of our library. The 11 documents in the private section of the library are available to Councillors and staff only.

You can access our document library here.

How to find us

How do I use the map?

This map is interactive. You can move and re-scale it using the various controls within the viewport.

Click/tap the map and drag to move the map around within the viewport as required.

Zoom in and out using the +- controls in the top left, pinch in/out or roll the mouse wheel when pointing within the map area.

Click/tap a marker, line or shape for further information in a popup window. If any marker, line or shape has an image, those images are displayed in a gallery at the bottom of the map. Select an image from the gallery and its marker will popup to indicate its location. The gallery is only displayed when one or more marker, line or shape with an image is within the map viewport.

Select the four corners icon in the top left to expand the map to full screen.

Select the tiles icon in the top right to select a different base map from the popup list. There are a number of base map options available.

Some maps also have layer switches that allow you to show or hide markers, lines or shapes. If a map has this feature, the layers and their switches are listed below the base maps. This feature enables markers, lines and shapes to be individually removed to make a map more readable.

Select the target icon in the bottom right to locate yourself with a marker. This feature will only work if your device has a GPS service and that service is currently active.

Can I download map data?

Yes. Select Details in the map header. A panel will overlay the right side of the map viewport, containing a file format drop-down list and a Download link. Select the required file format from the drop-down list and select the Download link. You will be prompted as to what you wish to do with the file.

The file will contain all of the waypoints for all of the currently visible markers, lines and shapes. You can control which markers, lines and shapes to include in the download file by switching the respective layers on or off. Select the tiles icon in the top right of the map viewport (close this panel first) to see the layers available below the list of base maps.

Whilst the panel is open, select More Details to display the map on a separate page. There is also an option to download map data on this page.

Close the panel by selecting the X in the top left corner of the panel.

How to Find Us
More Details

Parish Boundary

The Staveley & Copgrove Parish Boundaries.

The areas of the two civil parishes are:


Parish Statistics

The following population and household statistics are compiled from the 2018 electoral register. Note that these figures exclude households where no resident has registered and any electors that have not registered. The figures are therefore intended only as an indicator of parish size.


The Office for National Statistics 2016 mid year population estimates for the parish are:
