Children’s Playground

Children's Playground within the Recreation Field
Children’s Playground in the Jubilee Recreation Field

Some Key Moments in the Playground Development


The Dickenson family, who were local landowners, bequeathed three fields to benefit the ‘poor’ of Staveley parish. The fields were managed by the Staveley Relief in Need Charity (SRNC), who collected annual rental income from the fields and distributed it to parish residents deemed to be ‘in need’. Two of the fields were sold by the Charity in the early 1990s but the remaining field was to become the Jubilee Recreation Field.


Money raised through the Queen’s Jubilee village celebrations was set aside for a village recreation field.


The Staveley and Copgrove Jubilee Recreation Field Committee (JRFC) was formed by residents keen to get a recreation field project started.  A copy of the JRFC constitution may be viewed here. By the end of the year, the JRFC had obtained change of use permission, from agricultural to recreation, from the Local Planning Authority.


The Committee negotiated a 10 year lease for field 7653 from the SRNC at an annual rent of £70. A copy of the lease can be seen here. Following major works in draining the field, installing wooden equipment and a bark safety surface, the Recreation Field was opened.


A significant grant was obtained from Harrogate Borough Council that resulted in the installation of brand new equipment and a low maintenance rubberised safety surface.


The lease for field 7653 from the SRNC was renewed, this time for seven years to avoid the need to comply with a new requirement that land leased for ten years be registered with the Land Registry and the associated costs. The annual rent was raised to £75 following advice from a local valuer. A copy of the lease can be seen here.


The JRFC asked Staveley & Copgrove Parish Council to take over full responsibility of  the Jubilee Recreation Field and children’s play area. At it’s meeting on 12th November 2009, the Parish Council voted unanimously to take over the management of the facility. The lease, set to expire in 2011, was transferred from the JRFC to the Parish Council.

More to follow here.

Inspection Reports

The playground is inspected regularly:

1. Weekly visual inspection by a team of local volunteers to comply with insurance requirements,

2. Quarterly by a local specialist contractor and

3. Annually by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) .

The quarterly and annual inspection reports for 2016 onwards may be viewed in the table below.

Play Area Inspections Documents

To view the required document, select its Document Name

IDDocument NameTypeSize
0439Playground inspection report Oct.2021 p.2Portable Document Format62 KB
0438Playground inspection report October 2021 p.1Portable Document Format71 KB
0437Playground inspection report Nov 2021 page 2Portable Document Format60 KB
0436Playground inspection report Nov. 2021Portable Document Format73 KB
0423ROSPA Annual Inspection Report for Playground.19.10.2021Portable Document Format590 KB
0415Playground inspection report 2.09.2021 Farm and Land Services page 2 of 2Portable Document Format622 KB
0414Playground inspection report 02.09.2021 Farm and Land Services page 1 of 2Portable Document Format779 KB
0395ROSPA Inspection September 2020Portable Document Format2 MB
0394Park Lane Inspection December 2020Portable Document Format13 MB
0363Park Lane Inspection June 2020Portable Document Format4Mb
0359Park Lane Inspection March 2020Portable Document Format3Mb
01482019 Weekly Inspections SummaryGoogle SheetN/A
0147ROSPA Inspection September 2019Portable Document Format2Mb
0146Park Lane Inspection September 2019Portable Document Format2Mb
0145Park Lane Inspection June 2019Portable Document Format2Mb
0144Park Lane Inspection March 2019Portable Document Format6Mb
0143Park Lane Inspection December 2018Portable Document Format28Mb
0142ROSPA Inspection September 2018Portable Document Format2Mb
0141Park Lane Inspection September 2018Portable Document Format11Mb
0140Park Lane Inspection June 2018Portable Document Format2Mb
0139Park Lane Inspection March 2018Portable Document Format2Mb
0138Park Lane Inspection December 2017Portable Document Format2Mb
0137ROSPA Inspection September 2017Portable Document Format3Mb
0136Park Lane Inspection September 2017Portable Document Format3Mb
0135Park Lane Inspection June 2017Portable Document Format3Mb
0134Park Lane Inspection March 2017Portable Document Format3Mb
0133Park Lane Inspection December 2016Portable Document Format3Mb
0132ROSPA Inspection September 2016Portable Document Format3Mb
0131Park Lane Inspection June 2016Portable Document Format1Mb
0130Park Lane Inspection March 2016Portable Document Format1Mb
Total Documents30
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