Asset Management

In compliance with the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities , the Parish Council publishes details of all its public land and building assets. The map below shows the location of all the Parish Council owned assets.

Parish Council Assets

How do I use the map?

This map is interactive. You can move and re-scale it using the various controls within the viewport.

Click/tap the map and drag to move the map around within the viewport as required.

Zoom in and out using the +- controls in the top left, pinch in/out or roll the mouse wheel when pointing within the map area.

Click/tap a marker, line or shape for further information in a popup window. If any marker, line or shape has an image, those images are displayed in a gallery at the bottom of the map. Select an image from the gallery and its marker will popup to indicate its location. The gallery is only displayed when one or more marker, line or shape with an image is within the map viewport.

Select the four corners icon in the top left to expand the map to full screen.

Select the tiles icon in the top right to select a different base map from the popup list. There are a number of base map options available.

Some maps also have layer switches that allow you to show or hide markers, lines or shapes. If a map has this feature, the layers and their switches are listed below the base maps. This feature enables markers, lines and shapes to be individually removed to make a map more readable.

Select the target icon in the bottom right to locate yourself with a marker. This feature will only work if your device has a GPS service and that service is currently active.

Can I download map data?

Yes. Select Details in the map header. A panel will overlay the right side of the map viewport, containing a file format drop-down list and a Download link. Select the required file format from the drop-down list and select the Download link. You will be prompted as to what you wish to do with the file.

The file will contain all of the waypoints for all of the currently visible markers, lines and shapes. You can control which markers, lines and shapes to include in the download file by switching the respective layers on or off. Select the tiles icon in the top right of the map viewport (close this panel first) to see the layers available below the list of base maps.

Whilst the panel is open, select More Details to display the map on a separate page. There is also an option to download map data on this page.

Close the panel by selecting the X in the top left corner of the panel.

More Details

The table below lists all the assets and provides further information about each one.

Asset Register for the Current Financial Year 2024 - 2025

1Pinfold EnclosureArkendale Road, Staveley1980Details£20,470
2Village Notice Boards x 2 StaveleyVillage Green East, Main Street, Staveley1997Details£950
3Village Green Stone BenchJunction of Main Street, Minskip Road and Arkendale Road, Staveley1995Details£2,375
44 Wooden BenchesVarious throughout Staveley1995Details£1,900
5Village Notice Board x 1 CopgroveSt. Mongahs Lane, Copgrove2002Details£475
61 Bench CopgroveOpen space on St. Mongahs Lane, Copgrove2002Details£475
7Fence & Chain Opposite the Royal Oak PubVillage Green West, Main Street, Staveley2000Details£665
8Bus ShelterVillage Green East, Main Street, Staveley2012Details£1,900
9Safety barrierOutside Primary School, Minskip Road, Staveley2011Details£550
10Childrens Playground equipmentJubilee Recreation Field, Arkendale Road, Staveley2009Details£12,000
11Phone Box & DefibrillatorOpposite Village Green East, Main Street, Staveley2016Details£1,800
12Village Green EastMain Street, Staveley1986Details£750
13Village Green WestMain Street, Staveley1973Details£0
14Copgrove Village SignsWath Lane and Apron Lane2021Details£710
15Recreation Field BenchRecreation Field, Arkendale Road, Staveley. Near the service gate.2021Details£1,000
16Community Speed Watch EquipmentStored in Village Hall2022Details£500
17Vehicle Activated Sign1. Street lighing pole opposite Church. 2. Street lighting pole by bus stop on Minskip Road.2023Details£4,000

1 Valuation is based on cost of acquisition.

Leased Land

The map and table below lists all land leased by the Parish Council that is then managed by them as community amenities.

Leased Land
More Details
1Recreation FieldArkendale Road, StaveleyDetails
2AllotmentsArkendale Road, StaveleyDetails


The parish is fortunate to have a good stock of mature trees that benefit both residents and wildlife. Many of the trees are on private land, some adjoin the highway and are the responsibility of North Yorkshire County Council and a small number are on Parish Council owned or leased land.

The Parish Council does not currently have an adopted tree management policy and therefore no formal record of the tree stock and its state. Once this situation has been addressed, a tree inventory and condition statement will be included here.