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The following advice is available to help you find your way around the Parish Council website and answer some of the common questions asked. Select a question from the list and the answer will be displayed below.
If you register with the website, you will be able to leave a comment on posts on the News page and join in comment threads on posts.
Select the Sign in - Register option on the menu bar. A popup window is displayed with two tabs. The New Account tab is displayed by default. Complete your:
Username - this is the name that you use to sign in to the website, so remember this. You cannot later change your username.
First Name - this is displayed on the dashboard
Last Name (optional)
Email - this is the address to which the website will send any emails for you.
Select the Create an Account button. You will be sent an email, to the address you entered, that contains a system generated password. You need to use this password, along with the Email or Username that you entered, to Sign in to the website.
See How do I sign in ? for further information.
See our Privacy Policy for details of how we protect your personal data.
Select the Sign in option on the menu bar. A popup window is displayed with two tabs. The Sign in tab is displayed by default. Complete your:
Email or Username - this is the email or username that you entered when you registered with the website,
Password - this is the system generated password sent to you by email when you registered, or your own choice of password if you have changed it.
Select the Log in button. If the Email or Username and Password entered correspond to an existing account, you will be signed in.
See What is the dashboard? for further information.
If you are signed in to the website, a bar is displayed across the top of the page, usually below the address bar of your browser. This bar gives you access to the website dashboard, where you can update your user profile and undertake other tasks depending upon your user role.
Unless you have been assigned a different user role by the website administrator, you will assigned the Subscriber user role when you register with the website. This role only allows you to maintain your user profile from the dashboard. When you Sign out of the website, the dashboard and bar are removed from the page.
Select either your name, in the top right corner of the page, or the website name, in the top left corner of the page, to activate the dashboard. To close the dashboard and return to the main website, select the website name in the top left corner of the page.
Sign in to the website using you current password. On the dashboard bar across the top of the page, select Edit My Profile from the drop-down display by selecting Hi, [username], where username is the First Name set in your user profile.
The Profile page is displayed. Select the Help option in the top right corner of the page for futher assistance on updating your profile.
Scroll to the end of the Profile page to the Account Management section. Select the Generate Password button and a strong password will be created for you and displayed. You can use this password or enter one of your choice.
If you use the generated password, remember to make a note of it before updating your profile.
Select the Cancel button to abandon the new password.
Select the Update Profile button to save your new password (and any other changes that you have made to your profile). Use the new password the next time you sign in to the website.
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See our Privacy Policy for details of how we protect your personal data.
You can reset your password if you forget it. Select the Sign In option from the menu bar. Below the sign in form, select the Forgot My Password link and enter your Username or Email. Select Reset Password to confirm you require a new password.
An email will be sent to the address you entered containing a link. Select this link and a new system generated password will be displayed. Make a note of this password, or enter one of your choice, and select the Reset Password button.
Select back to Staveley & Copgrove Parish Council to return to the website Home page. You may then sign in to the website as before using the new password.
Our website supports registered users commenting on posts on the News page. Comments allow our website visitors to have a discussion with us and each other.
At the end of a News post there is a box in which you can leave a comment on the post. Your comment is then displayed at the end of the post for other website visitors to see when they view that post. Other visitors may also comment on the post or on your comment, thus establishing a thread.
You need to be viewing a News post in full, rather than on the summary page, to see the comments section. Select the post title or the Continue reading link on the News page to see a post in full and the Comments box.
There are a few rules to post comments as listed below.
Commenting Rules
You need to be signed in to the website in order to leave a comment.
Every comment you leave will need to be approved by a moderator before it appears to other site visitors. We will endeavour to approve comments as quickly as possible.
By default, all News posts allow comments but a poster may turn the ability to comment off for a particular post, so the leave a comment box will not appear at the end of the post.
All posts have their ability to accept comments closed after thirty days from the date of the original post.
When browsing different websites, you may notice that many users have a picture next to their name. These pictures are called "avatars". Our comments process supports the use of avatars. We use a specific type of avatar called "Gravatars"--short for "Globally Recognized Avatar". Unlike standard avatars, Gravatars follow you around the web and automatically appear when you post a comment on any WordPress site.
Once registered with Gravatar, the service matches your WordPress profile information to the email address registered with Gravatar and displays your custom Gravatar image next to your comments. If you choose not to sign up with Gravatar, the default icon set by the Administrator appears next to your name.
Yes. The website uses Postie .
The website is configured to monitor a special mailbox every 30 minutes. If an email is found in the inbox, it is retrieved and converted into a post and immediately appears on the News page. The email is then deleted from the mailbox.
You don’t need to do anything special to your email in order to get it to show up as a post on the News page but there are a small number of instructions that can be inserted into the email message to tell the website how best to process your email. These instructions are detailed here .
Posts by email will only be accepted by the website from sender email addresses that match those of a registered user assigned to the appropriate user role.
The address of the special mailbox is available to Council members and staff only.
Only Council members and staff may post to the News page. They have been assigned a user role than enables posting.
There are two methods of adding a new post:
1. via the web site,
2. via email
Website Method
Sign in to the website and activate the dashboard. Select Posts - Add New from the menu bar on the left of the screen.
1. Give the post a suitable title.
2. Complete the post content using the HTML editor. Add a Read More tag is required.
3. Select the Format of the post. The default Format is Standard.
4. Tick all the Categories to which the new post applies. Add a New Category if necessary.
5. Tick the options in the Discussion section as required.
6. Amend any options in the Publish section as required.
7. Select Publish to save the new post.
Email Method
See the FAQ Can I submit a News post by email?
New Posts are added to the top of the posts list on the News page. The date of posting and the poster's name are added alongside the title.
Further information on posting is available here .
Only Council members and staff may upload media files. They have been assigned a user role than enables them to do so. A media file is any file that contains:
- a document,
- an image,
- sound,
- a video
Media files can be added to your posts. More information on how to do this is available here .
Media files are stored in the Media Library. Details of how to use this WordPress feature are available here .
Media files can also be included as attachments to an email when submitting a News post by this method. See the FAQ on this topic for further information.
The website email newsletter replaces the periodic information email sent to residents. All residents who previously asked to receive the periodic email from the Parish Council are automatically signed up to recieve the website newsletter.
The newsletter contains short snippets of, and links to, the full text of posts on the News page and details of upcoming events. The newsletter service is offered as an alternative to visiting the website to check for new news posts or subscribing to the website RSS Feeds.
Anyone can sign up to recieve the newsletter. The sign up form is on the sidebar on the News page. Simply enter your first and last names and your email address. You will be sent an email asking you to confirm your subscription. Follow the link in the email to complete the sign up.
You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by following the link at the foot of any newsletter.
Note that signing up for the newsletter is a separate process to registering with the website. This is because the latter enables you to send information to us, in the form of comments, whereas the former enables us to send information to you. For this we require your separate permission, so that we comply with the General Data Protection Regulations.
The Newsletter subscriber list is self maintained. To join the list, complete the Sign Up section on the sidebar of the News page. To unsubscribe from the list, follow the link in the footer area of the Newsletter itself.
To change your email address at any time once you have subscribed, unsubscribe your old email address as above and sign up again with the new one.
Each email address can only have one subscription but you may subscribe many times (the same name) with different email addresses.
An external link is an address that will open another browser tab and take you to another web site. There are a number of such links throughout the website, identified by the symbol.
External links are included to provide further information but the Parish Council is not responsible for the link website content.
Tooltips are popup windows that give further information or an explanation about a piece of text. Tooltips are activated by hovering a mouse over the text or tapping the text on a touch screen. A popup windows will appear. Move the mouse off the text or tap off the text on a touch screen to close the tooltip.
Any text that has a tooltip is coloured like this.
This map is interactive. You can move and re-scale it using the various controls within the viewport.
Click/tap the map and drag to move the map around within the viewport as required.
Zoom in and out using the +- controls in the top left, pinch in/out or roll the mouse wheel when pointing within the map area.
Click/tap a marker, line or shape for further information in a popup window. If any marker, line or shape has an image, those images are displayed in a gallery at the bottom of the map. Select an image from the gallery and its marker will popup to indicate its location. The gallery is only displayed when one or more marker, line or shape with an image is within the map viewport.
Select the four corners icon in the top left to expand the map to full screen.
Select the tiles icon in the top right to select a different base map from the popup list. There are a number of base map options available.
Some maps also have layer switches that allow you to show or hide markers, lines or shapes. If a map has this feature, the layers and their switches are listed below the base maps. This feature enables markers, lines and shapes to be individually removed to make a map more readable.
Select the target icon in the bottom right to locate yourself with a marker. This feature will only work if your device has a GPS service and that service is currently active.
Yes. Select Details in the map header. A panel will overlay the right side of the map viewport, containing a file format drop-down list and a Download link. Select the required file format from the drop-down list and select the Download link. You will be prompted as to what you wish to do with the file.
The file will contain all of the waypoints for all of the currently visible markers, lines and shapes. You can control which markers, lines and shapes to include in the download file by switching the respective layers on or off. Select the tiles icon in the top right of the map viewport (close this panel first) to see the layers available below the list of base maps.
Whilst the panel is open, select More Details to display the map on a separate page. There is also an option to download map data on this page.
Close the panel by selecting the X in the top left corner of the panel.
Document Library
The Document Library (DL) is a portal through which a wide range of Parish Council documents can be accessed. The documents are stored in a number of locations and the DL enables them to be accessed from a single point.
Parish Council documents are stored:
1. directly on this website,
2. on the Parish Council's shared file store (Google Drive).
The general rule as to where a document is stored depends on the potential for the content to change. Documents that will never change are stored in the archive, which is directly on this web site. These documents are converted to Portable Document Format (PDF) prior to storing. They may be viewed using any PDF reader and/or downloaded if required.
Documents that will or could be subject to revision are considered live and are stored on the Council's Google Drive in their source format so that they can be edited as required. These files are in the Google office formats: docs, sheets and slides. They may be edited at any time by Council members and staff, so to ensure that the current version of a file is always available through the DL, these files are linked from the DL to the Google Drive. They may be viewed in read only mode and downloaded in a range of formats.
Documents that are not subject to change but do not transfer well to paginated format, e.g. spreadsheets, are retained in their original format for easier viewing. These documents are stored on the Council's Google Drive and linked to the DL.
The present Council has inherited a large collection of paper and digital files which require sorting, weeding and categorising prior to entry into the Document Library. This task will take several weeks/months to complete. Documents will be added to the library as they are processed.
To aid the process, the Council has adopted a Document Disposal and Retention/Storage Policy
When the Document Library is initially displayed, all the library documents are listed in alphabetical order of the document name. The selected Category Filter is All Categories. The document list is paginated with 10 entries per page. Navigate through the pages to see all the library documents.
You can also manage the document list by changing any of the following:
The List Length
The document list is initially displayed with the first 10 entries visible. The Show Entries drop-down selection box, above and to the left of the document list, may be used to show more (or less) entries at a time. The number of list entries currently shown and the total number of entries in the full list is displayed below the document list.
The Previous, Page No. and Next buttons below the document list may be used to navigate between the list pages if not all the list entries are shown at once.
The List Length and Pagination work together. Changing the List Length as above changes the number of pages accordingly.
The documents are initially listed in document name order. The list order may be changed by selecting either the ID, Document Name or Category column headings. The up or down arrow on the right side of the selected column heading indicates the current sort direction. Selecting the column heading again reverses the sort direction.
Note that changing the sort direction affects all the documents in the list, not just those that may be currently visible. When changing the sort direction, the list is re-displayed from the first page if the list is currently paginated.
The document list can be filtered by Category. Select the Category Filter drop-down list, above the document list, and select the required Category. The document list will be reduced to only those documents in the selected Category. To remove the filter and include ALL documents in the list, either select All Categories in the Category Filter drop-down list or select the Reset button.
The document list can be searched on the ID, Document Name and Category columns. Enter the required search criteria in the Search box above the document list. As you type, the document list will be reduced to only those documents matching the entered criteria in any of the above columns. To remove the search filter, either remove the text in the Search box or select the Reset button.
To view a document, select its Document Name. A new browser tab will open. The viewing of the document will depend upon your browser capabilities and settings for the document file type.
This will depend upon the device (laptop, tablet, smartphone etc.), the application (web browser etc.) that you are using to view the website and the file type of the selected document.
Some devices will automatically download a document before displaying it using a file reader installed on the device. Some web browsers will prompt for a download when the document is selected whilst others will open the document using a built-in file reader. You will need to explore the options of your device and web browser.
Documents that are stored on the Parish Council Google Drive will be displayed using the respective Google Docs, Sheets or Slides application. You may download these documents from the File - Download As menu option of the Google application, where there are a number of download formats available.
Neighbourhood Plan
Neighbourhood planning was introduced in the Localism Act 2011. It is an important and powerful tool that gives communities statutory powers to shape how their communities develop.
In very simple terms, a neighbourhood plan is:
- A document that sets out planning policies for the neighbourhood area – planning policies are used to decide whether to approve planning applications,
- Written by the local community, the people who know and love the area, rather than the Local Planning Authority,
- A powerful tool to ensure the community gets the right types of development, in the right place.
Neighbourhood Plans become part of the Local Plan and the policies contained within them are then used in the determination of planning applications. Policies produced cannot block development that is already part of the Local Plan however. What they can do is shape where that development will go and what it will look like.
A Neighbourhood Plan is a statutory document.
A village or community plan is an informal document that only has relevance to the village or community that developed it. This type of plan can contain anything that the plan developers wish and can be written in any way. It has no legal status and is of no importance to the local planning authority.
Some communities prefer this less formal approach to developing a plan as it is less demanding in the rigour of its preparation and is not subject to critical examination.
Such plans still take time and effort to develop however and the more methodical approach required for a Neighbourhood Plan can be worthwhile as it has legal status.
Having a Neighbourhood Plan for our parish helps to make it more likely that our area will remain a lively, diverse and vibrant area into the future. The policies in the Plan will be devised to protect the attributes of the parish that the community values and to mitigate their concerns as much as possible.
Without a Plan the future of our area would be determined by Harrogate District Council's "one size fits all" Local Plan which cannot necessarily adapt to the special requirements of our parish. Our area is very different from large towns like Boroughbridge and even has different concerns to our neighbouring villages like Burton Leonard and Minskip.
Without a Plan every planning application in our area would only be assessed against the national and district policies (as now), taking no account of our local housing needs, parking and traffic issues, and all the other policies included in the Plan.
Other communities are working on their own Neighbourhood Plans and there is a possibility that developers could in future take greater advantage of areas without one in force. They are already circling!
As we live in an area with a parish council, then the Council has to lead on the neighbourhood plan. This is a regulation laid down in the Localism Act.
In areas without a parish or town council (i.e. most urban areas), a neighbourhood forum has to be created, which is a group specially set up to create a neighbourhood plan. Neighbourhood forums need to have at least 21 members.
The Parish Council (PC) is responsible for the preparation of the Plan. The PC has created a sub committee, known as the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group (NPSG), and delegated powers to undertake the detailed survey and analysis work and prepare the plan document.
The NPSG is made up of members of the PC and residents from both Copgrove and Staveley communities. The NPSG operates under Terms of Reference set out by the PC.
The content of the Plan depends entirely on what YOU, the community, say is important and how you see the Parish in the future.
The Parish Council decides on the neighbourhood area (i.e. the area within which the neighbourhood plan policies will apply). This is often the same as the parish boundary. However, parish or town councils may choose a smaller and more focused area, such as a town or local centre. Also, adjacent parish or town councils may agree to work in partnership to produce a joint neighbourhood plan.
Staveley & Copgrove Parish Council has decided on the Staveley and Copgrove parishes as the plan area.
Once the neighbourhood area has been identified, it is submitted to the local planning authority (Harrogate Borough Council) for designation (which means to officially recognise it).
A Neighbourhood Plan is a statutory document and therefore has to follow a defined set of stages in its preparation.
Once the Plan area has been established it must be designated. We apply to the local authority (Harrogate Borough Council) to have our neighbourhood area designated (which means to officially recognise it). The public have an opportunity to object to the plan area.
The Plan is then prepared. There are no rules as to how the Plan is developed or what it must contain but there are criteria against which it will be judged. There is a set of Basic Conditions that must be met and the policies must not oppose those set at a national and district level. The plan policies must be evidence based and the preparation process must demonstrate involvement of the whole community.
The finished Plan must be submitted to the local planning authority for their approval. They will appoint an external examiner to assess whether the plan meets the Basic Conditions, complies with national and local policies and is evidence based.
If the Plan passes the examination, the local planning authority organises a referendum and the Plan area residents vote on whether they support the plan or not. If the majority of those who vote say YES, the Plan is 'made' (adopted) and becomes part of the local planning framework.
All Neighbourhood Plans must meet a set of Basic Conditions set out by the Government. These conditions are:
A. having regard to national policies and advice contained in guidance issued by the Secretary of State it is appropriate to make the order (or neighbourhood plan).
B. having special regard to the desirability of preserving any listed building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest that it possesses, it is appropriate to make the order. This applies only to Orders.
C. having special regard to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of any conservation area, it is appropriate to make the order. This applies only to Orders.
D. the making of the order (or neighbourhood plan) contributes to the achievement of sustainable development.
E. the making of the order (or neighbourhood plan) is in general conformity with the strategic policies contained in the development plan for the area of the authority (or any part of that area).
F. the making of the order (or neighbourhood plan) does not breach, and is otherwise compatible with, EU obligations.
Further information on these Basic Conditions is available in the Document Library.
The NPSG has followed common practice in determining the plan period as 15 years. Most of the Neighbourhood Plans that have been adopted to date have a similar timescale.
Given that it will take time to prepare the plan, the plan period will be 2020 - 2035.
From the experience of other groups who have completed a neighbourhood plan, the time to prepare a plan ranges from around 18 months to several years, depending upon the complexity and number of issues addressed.
The NPSG estimates that it will take approximately 2 years to take the Staveley & Copgrove Neighbourhood Plan through all its stages. A timescale chart (the plan tasks and when they will be done) is available for viewing in the Document Library. This document is subject to continual revision as the Plan develops.
The Neighbourhood Plan project will begin with several public workshops to "brainstorm" what residents like about living in the parish and what they don't. These sessions will be followed up by a survey of all residents of the parish to establish the level of support for the workshop conclusions.
Using this information, a valued attributes list will be compiled along with a list of concerns and visions of what the parish should look like towards the end of the plan period. These will form the basis of a set of sustainability objectives. Further workshops and public consultation will check whether the district and national policies are sufficient to meet our sustainability objectives. Specific local poicices will then be developed as deemed necessary.
A draft plan document will then be prepared based upon these policies, which will then pass through an iterative consultation/rewrite process until the majority of the community is satisfied with all the statements in the document.
Alas, no. There are certain things that are specifically excluded like mineral extraction policies for example.
All our policies have to be capable of being applied through the current planning system and (unless there are truly extraordinary reasons why not) be in "general conformity" with national and district policies.
Everything in the Plan must be "evidence based" and not just a good idea somebody thought up. Surveys, workshops, exhibitions and consultations will contribute to our evidence base.
Finally, landowners must be treated impartially, and it must be possible for the allowed development to be economically viable.
All our policies will be applied through the planning system. All new planning applications for our area will be assessed by Harrogate Borough Council against the policies in our Neighbourhood Plan and permission would normally be refused if it does not conform with them. If an application goes to appeal our policies will also have equal weight with the national and district policies.
Much of the work in preparing the Plan will be done by volunteers (Parish Councillors and local residents). It may be necessary to engage professional consultants on specific issues, depending upon the issues and concerns identified in the early stages of the Plan preparation.
Grants from Central Government are available to assist with the costs of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan. If there is a need to engage specialist consultants, there are additional grants available to help with these costs. The Parish Council has also set aside a small sum to cover day to day expenses, such as printing and venue hire.
The NPSG maintains a budget for the Plan development, which is also available to view in the Document Library.
The NPSG meets once per month and all meetings are open to the public. See Upcoming Events for details of the meetings where you will be able to ask questions.
The Neighbourhood plan is one of the Parish Council's ongoing projects. See Our Ongoing Projects for information on the main project tasks and the actions taken.
The Parish Council email newsletter is distributed regularly to subscribers and this will provide updates on the plan progress. If you are not already a subscriber, sign up in the sidebar of the News page of this website.
The Plan preparation will create a number of documents, maps, background papers and reports. These can all be viewed and downloaded from the Document Library section of this website.
Part of the NPSG Engagement Strategy (Section 8) is to ensure that there is regular feedback on the Plan to the community. Letting people know where they can see the results of any engagement events or how to get hold of information that has been recorded through engagement will be important in the plan process being transparent.
Most certainly! The Neighbourhood Plan is a community project.
There will be a number of opportunities for everyone to have their say. The NPSG has prepared a Community Engagement Strategy which sets out who, when and how you can get involved. You can also see this strategy in the Document Library.
As and when the Plan is ready, you will have the final say by stating your support or rejection of the Plan in a referendum.
In theory, yes. If it gets 'made' following a referendum it becomes part of the planning policy framework for the area and its policies must be adhered to. In practice, not necessarily!
In the early years of Neighbourhood Plan adoption, following the 2011 legistlation that introduced them, appeal courts and the Secretary of State tended to uphold the plan policies when challenged. This is no longer the case and there have been a number of challenges to plans, primarily by housebuilders, over recent years that have been successful. There are a number of reasons for this.
The National Association of Local Councils undertook a review of the neighbourhood planning process in October 2018 and produced Where Next for Neighbourhood Plans. This document details some of the problems that Neighbourhood Plans are facing, concluding by "appealling to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to acknowledge that this excellent community initiative is in serious danger of collapsing and to plead with them to take immediate action to save it."
Community Forum
Any site visitor, known as a Guest, may read the forum categories and topics but you need to be signed in to the website in order to start a new Topic or post in an existing Topic. To sign in, you need to be a registered site user. You can see how to register with the site in the Website FAQs.
The Community Forum is made up of a number of Categories. These are shown in a red banner heading. Within each Category, there are individual Forums listed below the red banner. When one of these forums is selected, the Topics that have been created within the Forum are displayed. When a Topic is selected, the Posts relating to the topic are displayed.
The top navigation bar is always present while in the forum. It is your gateway to all the essential functions.
- Forum Name. This is the name of the overall forum and is displayed below the forum navigation bar. Here it is called Community Forums.
- Forum. Clicking this option on the navigation bar will return you to the Overview which is considered the forums “home”.
- Profile. Clicking this option on the navigation bar will show you information about yourself and the totals of your activity in the forum.
- Subscriptions. Clicking this option on the navigation bar will show you the topics and forums that you are subscribed to get email notifications about activity.
- Activity. Clicking this option on the navigation bar will show you all the posts within the last few days.
- Search Box. Entering text and pressing the Return or Enter Key will do a search in the entire forum for the text entered in topics and titles of topics.
- Breadcrumb. This line below the navigation bar is known as a “breadcrumb”. It serves 2 purposes:
- It informs you where you are in the forum.
- You can click any of the labels to go to that part of the forum.
- Available forums. All available forums will be shown in the area below each category (shown in a red banner). If you are a member of a private forum, you will also see these.
- Posts Indicators. These colored circles indicate the color of the forum icon in available forums as follows:
- When there is a New posts (topic or comment), the icon for that forum will be the primary color of theme (in this example it is blue, which is also the default) to indicate there is a new topic or comment. In this example, there is something new in all forums. When you read the topics/comments in that specific forum and then return to the forum home, the icon will turn gray to indicate it has been read.
- When there is Nothing new in a forum, the icon for that forum will be gray (none in this example).
- Also included on this line is your ability to mark all forums as having been read. Simply click Mark As Read and everything (all unread topics and comments) will be considered read and the page will be refreshed to show you that happened.
- Statistics. On this line, you can see the total of all Topics, Posts, Views, Users and number of Online users.
Select the required Forum within the required Category. You will then see a list of existing Topics, if any. To create a new Topic, select the +New Topic button to display the input screen.
Enter the Subject (the title of the topic) and enter the topic text in the editor box.The ribbon at the top of the editor box enables formatting of the text, much like a word processor.
Select the Submit button to file your topic or Cancel to abandon.
There are 2 ways to respond in a topic. Use the +Reply button on the top or bottom of any topic page:
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A response to a topic will always open at the bottom of all replies. So, how do you respond to a specific reply? The answer, and the second way you can reply, is to use the “Quote feature. In every reply to a topic, on the upper right side of the reply is a link to “Quote. Scroll to the reply you want to respond to and then click “Quote: The system will then copy the reply in its entirety and then automatically place that in a reply on the bottom. You can also edit the quote. Below is an example where you want to shorten the quote by removing parts not relevant to your response. Never, ever add something the original author did not say – this is unprofessional and a bad practice! However, you don’t have to worry about shortening or removing as this etiquette is common and understood to just focus your reply on a specific part of what the author said. You can then respond under the quotation.
When you want to get notifications about anything happening (i.e. a new topic or reply) in a forum you want use the Subscribe To Forum feature. For example, if you want to stay informed about General Discussion forum as shown here without having to login to the site, setting this feature to subscribe will send you a notification and link when a new topic is created or replies to existing topics are made. Here is how you subscribe to a forum (go to the forum you want first). If you are either no longer interested in getting notifications from a forum that you are subscribed to or perhaps you are getting flooded with email because of too much activity, you can also unsubscribe from the forum. Here is how you unsubscribe from a forum (go to the forum you want first).
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Please note that unsubscribing from a forum will NOT also unsubscribe you from a specific topic(s) – the integrity of subscriptions are not affected in this case.
When someone has created or replied to a topic that you are interested in getting notifications and staying abreast or current, you want to use the Subscribe To Topic feature. For example, you are interested in a topic that a user creates to discuss using the Ultimate Membership Pro plugin as shown here and would like to see replies without having to login to the site. Setting this feature to subscribe to a topic will send you an email notification and link when new replies to the topic are made. Note: If you want to reply, you must login and then add the reply to do so. At this time, it is not possible to reply by email and have that automatically added to the discussion. Here is how you subscribe to a topic (go to the topic you want first).
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Here is how you unsubscribe from a topic (go to the topic you want first).If you are no longer interested in following the topic, simply unsubscribe from it.
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The line below the top navigation bar links is known as a “navigation breadcrumb“. It serves 2 purposes:
- It informs you where you are in the forum. In this example, we are in the topic NoFollow that is in the forum Asgaros Forum: General Discussion.
- You can click any of the labels to go to that part of the forum. So, in this example, you can click on NoFollow (which is meaningless because this is where you are); or, click on Asgaros Forum: General Discussion which will take you to that forum showing a list of topics; or, click on Forum which will bring you to the forum “home”.
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The search functionality allows you to search inside topic titles and the content of its posts. Just enter the keywords you are looking for into the text search field in the upper right corner of the top bar and press the Enter or Return key on your keyboard.
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The forum will search for your entered keyword(s) or phrase and show you the results, if there are any, ordered by relevance. From this search result view you can simply go to the desired topic.
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On the bottom of any comment (which could be a new topic or a reply), there are icons for thumbs up and thumbs down. Click the one that expresses your sentiment about what has been said. You will see the count of all such sentiments get updated. If you click thumbs up after previously clicking thumbs down, or, click thumbs down after clicking thumbs up, you are changing your sentiment. The total like and dislike counts will both change to reflect your choice. If you click thumbs up after previously clicking thumbs up, or, click thumbs down after clicking thumbs down, you are neutralizing your sentiment to no sentiment. The total like or dislike count will go up or down accordingly. You can change your mind at any time, but you can only have one like or dislike at any time.
If you believe a topic created or a reply to an existing topic is not acceptable, it can be reported as follows:
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