Staveley Nature Reserve Liaison Group

View over the East Lagoon towards Carr Top Farm

The Reserve

Staveley Nature Reserve (SNR) occupies approximately 200 acres (80 ha) to the north of the Staveley parish, about 14% of its area. The site is owned and managed by the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (YWT), who acquired part of the site in 2002 and the remainder in 2010. The site was previously used for gravel extraction with some of the land leased for farming.

The Parish Council was supportive of the acquisition and development of the site by the YWT following a resident survey. There were however concerns within the village about the effects of developing the site and in 2011 a working group was set up following a village meeting, to aid consultation with regards to the planning application for the nature reserve and also form the basis of a long-term link with the village.

The Group

The working group comprised residents and representatives of the YWT and continued to meet on a regular basis between 2011 and 2021. In March 2012 the working group became known as the Staveley Nature Reserve Liaison Group (SNR-LG). Although reporting to the Parish Council and having a Parish Council representative on the group, the SNR-LG was an independent body.

The following Terms of Reference were initially established for the SNR-LG:

1The committee must have a Parish Councillor as a full member
2Any meetings of the committee shall be fully minuted and those minutes shall be publicly available
3Membership of the committee shall be subject to the same Conflict of Interest requirements as the PC
4Be informed of the plans of Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (YWT) with respect to Staveley Nature Reserve (SNR)
5Inform YWT of events taking place in the village that may impact YWT
6Be cognisant of the views of the village and feed views and concerns back to YWT aiming to resolve issues, as far as possible, amicably between YWT and the parish
7The PC shall not instruct the SNR Sub Committee as to its discussions
8SNR Sub Committee shall make suggestions to the PC regarding Staveley Nature Reserve
9Report back to the Parish Council at each Parish Council meeting.
These terms were set by the Parish Council at its meeting on 26th July 2012

A standard agenda was also established for each meeting. Since 2016, the SNR-LG continued to meet three times per year, rather than the original four.

At its meeting on 18th May 2021 the Parish Council agreed that as the group no longer appeared to serve the purpose it was created for, it should be wound up.

It was also agreed at the meeting that as village residents were still very interested in the events, actions and any future plans the YWT may have for the Reserve, rather than having three meetings a year with a small group it would better serve the community if the YWT provide an annual report/ briefing which could be included in Parish Council meeting agenda.

Group Membership

The SNR-LG most recently had the following members until it was wound up:

CouncillorStood Down
 Ken BarkerMay 2021
 Pam CoathamMay 2021
 Dorothy GriffinMay 2021
 Laura HarmanMay 2021
 Neil HortonMay 2021
 Helen NorthMay 2021
 Margaret StringerMay 2021
 John ThorntonMay 2021
The round hide overlooking the West Lagoon

Scheduled Meetings

There are no meetings scheduled for this committee

Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the SNR-LG may be viewed below and in the Document Library.

SNR-Liaison Group Meeting Minutes Documents

To view the required document, select its Document Name

IDDocument NameTypeSize
0260Minutes October 2019Portable Document Format62Kb
0259Minutes July 2019Portable Document Format61Kb
0258Minutes March 2019Portable Document Format75Kb
0257Minutes October 2018Portable Document Format64Kb
0256Minutes July 2018Portable Document Format21Kb
0255Minutes March 2018Portable Document Format51Kb
0254Minutes November 2017Portable Document Format46Kb
0253Minutes July 2017Portable Document Format90Kb
0252Minutes March 2017Portable Document Format66Kb
0251Minutes November 2016Portable Document Format67Kb
0250Minutes July 2016Portable Document Format49Kb
0249Minutes March 2016Portable Document Format51Kb
0248Minutes November 2015Portable Document Format50Kb
0247Minutes July 2015Portable Document Format47Kb
0246Minutes April 2015Portable Document Format51Kb
0245Minutes January 2015Portable Document Format83Kb
0244Minutes November 2014Portable Document Format85Kb
0243Minutes July 2014Portable Document Format89Kb
0242Minutes April 2014Portable Document Format87Kb
0241Minutes January 2014Portable Document Format21Kb
0240Minutes November 2013Portable Document Format85Kb
0239Minutes July 2013Portable Document Format82Kb
0238Minutes April 2013Portable Document Format56Kb
0237Minutes January 2013Portable Document Format57Kb
0236Minutes October 2012Portable Document Format65Kb
0235Minutes July 2012Portable Document Format68Kb
0234Minutes March 2012Portable Document Format106Kb
0233Minutes June 2011Portable Document Format64Kb
0232Minutes June 2011Portable Document Format60Kb
0231Minutes May 2011Portable Document Format76Kb
Total Documents30
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Other documents concerning the Parish relationship with the SNR are also available in the Document Library.

The round hide from the west side of the West Lagoon (with inquisitive grasscutter)