
When and Where

The Full Council currently meets four times per year.  Meetings are normally open to the public and are held in Staveley & Copgrove Village Hall.  Meetings start at 7pm and are usually held in the months of February, May, August and November. The meeting held in May starts with the Annual Parish Meeting (see below). This meeting is followed by the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.

In an election year, the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is held on or within 14 days following the day on which the new councillors elected take office. In a year which is not an election year, the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is held on such day before 1st June as the council directs.

The first business conducted at the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is the election of the Chairman of the Council, followed by the establishment of committee members and those councillors who will represent the council on outside bodies. In an election year all new members sign the declaration of acceptance.

The Finance Sub-Committee meets four times per year.  Meetings start at 7pm and are held in Staveley & Copgrove Village Hall.

Meeting Schedule

The following Full Council meetings are scheduled:

Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (Provisional)

Date : Monday 10th March 2025  ICAL

Time : 7:00pm

Location : Staveley and Copgrove Village Hall

Open to the public
Meeting Agenda to follow
Previous meeting minutes to follow

meeting image

Parish Council Meeting (Provisional)

Date : Monday 12th May 2025  ICAL

Time : 7:00pm

Location : Staveley and Copgrove Village Hall

Open to the public
Meeting Agenda to follow
Previous meeting minutes to follow

meeting image

Parish Council Meeting (Provisional)

Date : Monday 14th July 2025  ICAL

Time : 7:00pm

Location : Staveley and Copgrove Village Hall

Open to the public
Meeting Agenda to follow
Previous meeting minutes to follow

meeting image

Parish Council Meeting (Provisional)

Date : Monday 8th September 2025  ICAL

Time : 7:00pm

Location : Staveley and Copgrove Village Hall

Open to the public
Meeting Agenda to follow
Previous meeting minutes to follow

meeting image

Parish Council Meeting (Provisional)

Date : Monday 10th November 2025  ICAL

Time : 7:00pm

Location : Staveley and Copgrove Village Hall

Open to the public
Meeting Agenda to follow
Previous meeting minutes to follow

meeting image

The following Finance Sub Committee meetings are scheduled:

There are no meetings scheduled for this committee

Past Meetings

Finance Sub Committee MeetingMonday 13th January 20256:30pmN/A
Parish Council MeetingMonday 13th January 20257:00pmN/A
Parish Council MeetingMonday 11th November 20247pmView
Finance Sub Committee MeetingMonday 11th November 20246:60pmView
Parish Council MeetingMonday 9th September 20247pmView
Parish Council MeetingMonday 8th July 20247pmView
Finance Sub Committee MeetingMonday 8th July 20246.30pmN/A
Annual Parish Meeting for Staveley and CopgroveMonday 13th May 20247pmView
Finance Sub Committee MeetingMonday 13th May 20246.30pmView
Parish Council MeetingMonday 18th March 20247pmView
Parish Council MeetingMonday 8th January 20247.00pmN/A
Parish Council MeetingTuesday 7th November 20237pmView
Finance Sub Committee MeetingTuesday 7th November 20236.00pmN/A
Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish CouncilTuesday 22nd August 20237pmN/A
Parish Council MeetingTuesday 1st August 20237pmN/A
Annual Parish Meeting for Staveley and CopgroveThursday 4th May 20237:00pmView
Parish Council MeetingTuesday 21st February 20237pmView
Finance Sub Committee MeetingTuesday 24th January 20237pmN/A
Parish Council MeetingTuesday 8th November 20227pmView
Finance Sub Committee MeetingTuesday 25th October 20227pmN/A
Parish Council MeetingTuesday 9th August 20227pmView
Finance Sub Committee MeetingTuesday 26th July 20227pmN/A
Annual Parish Council MeetingTuesday 17th May 20227.15pmView
Annual Parish Meeting for Staveley and CopgroveTuesday 17th May 20226.45pmView
Finance Sub Committee MeetingMonday 16th May 20227pmN/A
Parish Council MeetingFriday 22nd April 20227pmView
Finance Sub Committee MeetingWednesday 16th March 20227pmN/A
Parish Council MeetingTuesday 11th January 20227pmView
Finance Sub Committee MeetingTuesday 11th January 20226.30pmView
Public Meeting to Discuss Planning Application 21/02200/FULMAJThursday 18th November 20217pmN/A
Parish Council MeetingTuesday 2nd November 20217pmView
Finance Sub Committee MeetingWednesday 27th October 20217pmView
Full Council MeetingTuesday 17th August 20217pmView
Finance Sub Committee MeetingThursday 12th August 20216pmView
Annual Meeting of the Parish CouncilTuesday 18th May 20217pmView
Annual Parish Meeting for Staveley and CopgroveTuesday 18th May 20216.15pmView
Finance Sub Committee MeetingTuesday 20th April 20217pmView
Finance Sub Committee MeetingTuesday 23rd February 20217pmView
Parish Council MeetingTuesday 9th February 20217pmView
Parish Council MeetingTuesday 8th December 20207pmView
Finance Sub Committee MeetingTuesday 24th November 20207pmView

Past meeting agenda and minutes of the Full Council and Sub-Committees can also be viewed in the Document Library.

Annual Parish Meeting

In addition to normal council meetings which are called by the Clerk, there is also an Annual Parish Meeting which is called by the Chair. This meeting allows the Chair to present to the parish residents their report on council business for the year and to invite representatives from other bodies to address the residents on their own activities. It is also an opportunity for parishioners on the Electoral Roll for Staveley & Copgrove to raise any matters of concern to them that relates to their local community.

Meeting Procedures

All meetings are conducted in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders. These are a set of rules and procedures designed to esure the smooth running of the meeting according to agreed standards.

Meeting Recording

The right to record, film and to broadcast meetings of the council is established under the Openness of Local Government Regulations 2014.  This is in addition to the rights of the press and public to attend such meetings.

The Parish Council is committed to being open and transparent in the way it conducts its business and decision making.  Those who attend a public meeting should expect to be filmed.  This includes councillors, council officers and members of the public.

The Council’s Management of Meeting Recording Policy can be viewed here and in the Document Library in the Policies, Codes and Orders category.