Councillor Vacancy

The Parish Council has vacancy for a new Councillor.  If you would be interested in knowing more about the work of the Parish Council or in standing for the vacant seat, please contact the Council by:

  • using the Contact Us page on our website, or
  • contacting one of the existing Councillors.  Contact details for all Councillors are available here.

Further information about the criteria for eligibility and the role of a Parish Councillor is available on our website here.

New Parish Clerk

The Parish Council is pleased to welcome Julia Oyston as the new Parish Clerk. Julia starts in post on 1st October 2024.

Julia has previously been Clerk to Sessay Parish Council. She can be contacted via the link at the foot of the page.

Community Speed Watch Annual Update

The Staveley Community Speed Watch (CSW) team, under the management of North Yorkshire Police (NYP), completed their second year of operation on 10th August 2024. The main aim of the CSW scheme is driver education and making us all aware of the dangers of travelling too fast in built-up areas.

During the year, the 16 team volunteers gave up 274 hours of their time, monitoring the speed of 3,505 vehicles during 53 watch sessions at 10 different locations on different weekdays and times around the village. The details of 309 vehicles exceeding the speed limit threshold have been passed on to NYP for further action.

The overall average rate of offending during the year was 1 in 10 vehicles but as would be expected, the rate differs for each speed zone. In the 20 mph speed zone (Minskip Road) the rate was approximately 1 in 5 vehicles. In the 30 mph speed zones (Main Street and Arkendale Road) the rate was approximately 1 in 20 vehicles.

During the two years of operation the team have now monitored the speed of a total of 6,746 vehicles and logged 635 offences. Whilst 540 vehicles have offended only once, 40 vehicles have offended twice, 5 vehicles three times and 2 vehicles four times.

The full results and analysis of all the CSW team watch sessions are available on their website at

If anyone would like to join the team and help to deter speeding traffic through the village, please use the contact details on their website. Volunteering usually involves 2-3 hours per month of your time. The bigger the team, the more watch sessions we can carry out and the more the message can be spread!

Vandalism and Anti-social Behaviour on Nature Reserve

Church Hide
The round hide overlooking the West Lagoon

There have been increasingly regular incidences of vandalism and anti-social behaviour at the Staveley Nature Reserve. Unfortunately, this has resulted in damage to the round bird hide on the west lagoon, and to items within it. Whilst the damage is thankfully minimal for now, it will still cost Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (YWT) time and money to repair and replace.

The activity has been reported to the police as criminal damage. If anyone sees this occurring in future, please call the police and quote crime reference number NYP-18072023-0487 and also let YWT Living Landscapes Officer Laura Harman know on 07896 674810.

New Vehicle Activated Sign for Staveley

The Parish Council (PC) have been in discussions with North Yorkshire Council (NYC) for some time regarding the installation of a temporary Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) in Staveley.

A VAS had been considered previously by the PC as it was thought it would be a help in countering the problem of traffic speeding through the village.

The installation of a VAS would run parallel with, and not replace, the Community Speed Watch initiative that many of you will have seen active through the village.  

Continue reading “New Vehicle Activated Sign for Staveley”

Local MP Supports Parish Council Objection to new Housing Development

Andrew Jones, Member of Parliament for Harrogate and Knaresborough, has written to all residents in Staveley giving his support to the Parish Council and many residents in their objection to the planning application by Thomas Alexander Homes SPV 2 Limited to build 73 residential dwellings on the site SV1 on Minskip Road, Staveley.

Continue reading “Local MP Supports Parish Council Objection to new Housing Development”

Residents Protest Gathering

A number of village residents gathered on the village green on Saturday 25 March 2023 to show their support for opposition to the planning application by Thomas Alexander Homes SPV 2 Limited to build 73 residential dwellings on the site SV1 on Minskip Road, Staveley.

The gathering was organised by the Staveley Residents Action Group. Over 130 letters of objection have been submitted by residents to Harrogate Borough Council (HBC) to date. The closing date for comments is Monday 27th March 2023. The target date for a decision by HBC on the planning application is Thursday 4th May 2023.

Community Speed Watch Recruiting

Community Speed Watch Logo

Staveley Community Speed Watch Needs You!

Do you worry about the speed of traffic through our village?

Have you got two to three hours a month free time?

Community Speed Watch (CSW) is a scheme run by a team of village volunteers in association with North Yorkshire Police. Many of you will have seen a small group of us, clad in high visibility jackets monitoring traffic in various parts of the village at different times of the day. CSW is an official scheme and is designed to support local communities to improve road safety and address speed concerns in their community.

Continue reading “Community Speed Watch Recruiting”

20’s Plenty when driving near a school

Stopping distances

Malton primary school together with 20s plenty for North Yorkshire have made this very short but powerful video on stopping distances at 20 and 30 miles per hour ahead of next Monday’s deadline for comments from County councillors for Cllr Keane Duncan’s review into 20mph policy.

Do contact the address below if you would like any further information about the 20’s Plenty project.

Yours sincerely,

Ian Conlan,
20s plenty for North Yorkshire