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The Local Planning Authority
The Local Planning Authority (LPA) for the Staveley & Copgrove parish is North Yorkshire Council. The Parish Council is a statutory consultee on applications for planning consent for certain types of development in its area under Schedule 4(d) Development Management Procedure Order 2015 .
Types of Consent
There are several types of consent that may be sought through the planning application process, including:
Application Type | Description |
Advertisement Consent | The term advertisement covers a very wide range of advertisements and signs including: Posters and notices, Placards and boards, Fascia signs and projecting signs, Pole signs and canopy signs, Models and devices, Advance signs and directional signs, Estate agents' boards, Captive balloon advertising (not balloons in flight), Flag advertisements, Price markers and price displays, Traffic signs, Town and village name-signs. |
Amending Obligations | To remove or amend an obligation attached to an approval. This is often in the form of a Section 106 agreement. |
Amending Proposals that have planning permission | To make a fundamental or substantial change to a planning approval. An application may not be required to make less substantial changes. |
Ancient Monument | Ancient monuments are structures of special historic interest or significance, and range from earthworks to ruins to buried remains. Many of them are scheduled as nationally important archaeological sites. If any ancient monument could in any way be affected by proposed development, advice from Historic England should be sought as soon as possible. Applications for Scheduled Monument Consent (SMC) may be required by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. It is an offence to damage a scheduled monument. |
Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development | A Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development (CLEUD) is a certificate that is legally granted by a Local Planning Authority to retrospectively legalise a previously unauthorised development. Or to confirm development was carried out inline with an approved permission. The CLEUD certifies that an existing building/use is lawful and it will prevent any enforcement action being taken. The granting of a CLEUD application only applies to the lawfulness of the existing development. It doesn’t remove the requirement to comply with any other legal requirements. A development can become lawful, and exempt from enforcement if it has been in situ for a specified period of time. In most cases, development becomes immune if no action is taken, between 4-10 years depending on development. |
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders | Protected trees include those covered by a tree preservation order (TPO) or those which grow in a conservation area. You will need to contact the LPA even if you wish to prune branches overhanging from a neighbour’s protected tree. |
Discharge of Conditions | To discharge, remove or amend conditions attached to an application. |
Full Consent | Includes full details of the proposal: highway, layout, drainage details, siting of buildings with full plans and elevations etc. |
Hazardous Substances | Any site which needs to use or store hazardous substances such as chlorine, hydrogen, or natural gas, at or above certain thresholds, requires a hazardous substances consent (HSC) before it can operate. HSC is an important mechanism in the control of major accident hazards. It is designed to regulate the presence of hazardous substances so that they cannot be kept or used above specified quantities until the responsible authorities have had the opportunity to assess the risk of an accident and its consequences for people in the surrounding area and for the environment. |
Lawful Development Certificate | To confirm that an existing (or proposed) use of land or activity is lawful for planning purposes. |
Listed Building Consent | Demolition of a listed building or alteration or extention of a listed building in a manner which would affect its character as a building of special architectural or historic interest. |
Outline Consent | To establish whether the principle of development is acceptable without the provision (and cost) of full detailed plans. Must include sufficient detail for the LPA to evaluate. |
Prior Approval | To seek approval that specified elements of a developmet are permitted development, i.e. they do not require planning approval. |
Reserved Matters | When outline permission is granted it is normaly subject to conditions requiring the subsequent approval of one or more reserved matters. These are the aspects of a proposed development which an applicant can choose not to submit at the outline stage. |
Trees in Conservation Area (Section 211 Notice) | In conservation areas, notice is required for works to trees that have a trunk diameter of more than 75mm when measured at 1.5m from ground level (or more than 100mm if reducing the number of trees to benefit the growth of other trees). |
Variation of Conditions | Planning conditions are often applied to the grant of planning permission. These limit and control the way in which the planning permission may be implemented. |
Pending Parish Planning Applications Map
The map below shows the location of applications for planning permission that have been submitted to the LPA for our parish that are awaiting a decision.
This map is interactive. You can move and re-scale it using the various controls within the viewport.
Click/tap the map and drag to move the map around within the viewport as required.
Zoom in and out using the +- controls in the top left, pinch in/out or roll the mouse wheel when pointing within the map area.
Click/tap a marker, line or shape for further information in a popup window. If any marker, line or shape has an image, those images are displayed in a gallery at the bottom of the map. Select an image from the gallery and its marker will popup to indicate its location. The gallery is only displayed when one or more marker, line or shape with an image is within the map viewport.
Select the four corners icon in the top left to expand the map to full screen.
Select the tiles icon in the top right to select a different base map from the popup list. There are a number of base map options available.
Some maps also have layer switches that allow you to show or hide markers, lines or shapes. If a map has this feature, the layers and their switches are listed below the base maps. This feature enables markers, lines and shapes to be individually removed to make a map more readable.
Select the target icon in the bottom right to locate yourself with a marker. This feature will only work if your device has a GPS service and that service is currently active.
Yes. Select Details in the map header. A panel will overlay the right side of the map viewport, containing a file format drop-down list and a Download link. Select the required file format from the drop-down list and select the Download link. You will be prompted as to what you wish to do with the file.
The file will contain all of the waypoints for all of the currently visible markers, lines and shapes. You can control which markers, lines and shapes to include in the download file by switching the respective layers on or off. Select the tiles icon in the top right of the map viewport (close this panel first) to see the layers available below the list of base maps.
Whilst the panel is open, select More Details to display the map on a separate page. There is also an option to download map data on this page.
Close the panel by selecting the X in the top left corner of the panel.
Click/tap a map marker to see the planning application summary in a popup window and select the LPA Reference ID link to see more information about the application on the LPA planning portal. Zoom the map as required to see the markers more clearly.
Recent Parish Planning Applications
The table below lists all the applications for planning permission that have been submitted to the LPA within our parish since the start of 2018.
Select the Reference link to see more information about the application on the Local Planning Authority planning portal. The type of permission sought is indicated in the Reference suffix.
Hover over or tap View in the Details column to display the application details in a bubble. Hover off or tap outside of the bubble to close it.
Hover over or tap View in the Address column to display the application address in a bubble. Hover off or tap outside of the bubble to close it.
Select any links in the Our Response column to see the Parish Council’s detailed response to an application in a separate window.
The List Length
The planning applications list is initially displayed with the first 10 entries. The Show Entries drop-down selection box above the list may be used to show more (or less) entries. The number of entries currently shown and the total number of entries in the list is displayed below the list.
The Previous, Next and Page No. buttons below the list may be used to navigate between the list pages if not all the entries are shown.
The applications are initially listed in descending Reference order, i.e. most recent first. The list order can be reversed by selecting the Reference column heading. The up/down arrow on the right side of the colum heading indicates the current sort direction. The list may also be sorted on the Our Response column.
Note that changing the sort direction affects all the applications in the full list, not just those that may be currently visible.
The Search box above the list may be used to find any application in the list by word or phrase. All list columns are included in the search. The search results, i.e. those applications that match the search criteria entered, are displayed as the search criteria are entered.
Remove all text from the Search box to display all the list applications again.
Note searching affects all the applications in the full list, not just those that may be currently visible.
Reference | Details | Address | Validated | Our Response | Outcome |
ZC23/03520/DVCON | ViewRemoval of condition 7 (agricultural occupancy) of planning permission 79/12340/OUT - Erecting agricultural worker\\\'s bungalow. | ViewMoor End Farm Arkendale Road Staveley HG5 9JU | 25th September 2023 | No Objection | Refused 20th November 2023 |
ZC23/03428/TCON | ViewFelling and removal of (T1) Kanzan Cherry Tree, replant with a Tibetan Cherry, within Staveley Conservation Area. | ViewThe Rectory Main Street Staveley HG5 9LD | 18th September 2023 | No Objection | Permitted 25th September 2023 |
ZC23/03218/FUL | ViewReplacement of current solid grey electric access gates with 1.68m wooden slatted electric gates. | ViewOrchard Corner Arkendale Road Staveley HG5 9JX | 10th October 2023 | No Response Yet | Awaiting Decision |
ZC23/03194/FUL | ViewChange of use of land for the siting of 1 no glamping pod | ViewEast View Barn, Bedlam Lane, Staveley, HG5 9JU | 11th September 2023 | No Objection | Permitted 6th November 2023 |
ZC23/03089/TCON | ViewRemoval to ground level of Conifer 4m high (T1), trimmed every year as hedge within Staveley Conservation Area | ViewThe Old Stables Main Street Staveley HG5 9LD | 21st August 2023 | No Objection | Permitted 29th August 2023 |
ZC23/02820/FUL | ViewInstallation of a single, full access composting toilet, with associated soak away and tank. | ViewLand Comprising Staveley Nature Reserve Staveley | 23rd August 2023 | No Objection | Permitted 17th October 2023 |
ZC23/02567/TPO | ViewCrown lift to 3m above footpath and driveway and crown reduction by 1/3 of 1no. Ash tree (T2) within Tree Preservation Order 04/1999. | View12 Pinfold Green Staveley HG5 9LR | 6th July 2023 | No Objection | Part Approved and Part Refused 25th August 2023 |
ZC23/02497/CLEUD | ViewCertificate of lawfulness for occupation of Moor End Farm, Staveley in breach of the Agricultural Occupancy Condition for a continuous period in excess of 10 years. | ViewMoor End Farm, Arkendale Road, Staveley HG5 9JU | 3rd July 2023 | No Objection | Permitted 25th August 2023 |
ZC23/02172/TCON | ViewFelling of 1no. Willow Tree (T1) within Staveley Conservation Area | ViewApple Tree Cottage, Main Street, Staveley HG5 9LD | 7th June 2023 | No Objection | Permitted 16th June 2023 |
ZC23/02149/FUL | ViewRemoval of existing single storey dwelling. Erections of proposed two storey dwelling. | ViewWayside Farm, Minskip Road, Staveley, HG5 9LQ | 6th June 2023 | No Objection | Permitted 6th October 2023 |
ZC23/01999/FUL | ViewErection of first floor extension and new detached garage | ViewWinsley House, 10 St Mongahs Court, Copgrove, HG3 3TY | 8th June 2023 | No Objection | Permitted 4th August 2023 |
APCNPP 22/01059/FUL | ViewProposed replacement of existing stables with new barn | ViewEast View Barn Bedlam Lane Staveley North Yorkshire HG5 9JU | 14th February 2023 | No Objection | Permitted 15th June 2023 |
23/01164/PDAS | ViewPrior Notification of erection of additional storey over the original dwelling to a maximum height of 8.02m. | ViewWayside Farm, Minskip Road, Staveley HG5 9LQ | 15th March 2023 | No Objection | Permitted 11th May 2023 |
23/01066/PNX | ViewPrior notification for the erection of a single storey rear extension. The proposed extension would extend 7.0 metres beyond an original rear wall, have a height to the eaves of 2.6 metres with a flat roof. | ViewWayside Farm, Minskip Road, Staveley HG5 9LQ | 15th March 2023 | No Objection | Prior Approval Not Required 24th April 2023 |
23/01064/CLOPUD | ViewProposed side extension and front porch as indicated on attached plans. | ViewWayside Farm, Minskip Road, Staveley HG5 9LQ | 27th March 2023 | No Objection | Permitted 5th May 2023 |
23/00634/LB | ViewMinor alterations to bothy structure, situated within the curtilage of 2 listed buildings (barn and main house) | ViewBothy Cottage, Loftus Hill, Staveley HG5 9JT | 14th February 2023 | No Objection | Permitted 12th July 2023 |
23/00214/FULMAJ | ViewFull Planning Application for the Erection of 73 No. Residential Dwellings and associated infrastructure | ViewLand Comprising Field At 436940 462883 Minskip Road Staveley North Yorkshire | 2nd February 2023 | Objection | Awaiting Decision |
22/04906/FUL | ViewSingle storey extension and alteration works to principle elevation of Abacus Direct Ltd showroom. | ViewJubilee Court, Abacus House Wath Lane Copgrove North Yorkshire HG3 3TB | 22nd December 2022 | Objection | Permitted 9th February 2023 |
22/04902/FUL | ViewRetrospective planning application for extension to Unit K2 | ViewJubilee Court Abacus House Wath Lane Copgrove HG3 3TB | 22nd December 2022 | Objection | Permitted 30th March 2023 |
22/04890/FUL | ViewDemolition of existing pallet store and relocation to original position | ViewJubilee Court, Abacus House Wath Lane Copgrove North Yorkshire HG3 3TB | 10th January 2023 | Objection | Permitted 26th April 2023 |
22/04866/FUL | ViewFormation of car park and landscaping scheme. | ViewJubilee Court Abacus House Wath Lane Copgrove HG3 3TB | 20th December 2022 | Objection | Permitted 26th April 2023 |
22/04798/TCON | ViewBeech tree (T1): Crown reduction back to previous pruning point of a few years, to the red lines in the attached photo. Maximum pruning cuts of 30mm. - | ViewThe Old Post Office Main Street Staveley North Yorkshire HG5 9LD | 15th December 2022 | No Objection | Permitted 3rd January 2023 |
22/04298/FUL | ViewErection of single storey rear extension and first floor rear extension. Roof alterations including formation of rear dormer and raising height. Alterations to fenestration to front elevation. | View4 Park View, Jasmine Cottage Main Street Staveley North Yorkshire HG5 9LD | 17th November 2022 | No Objection | Permitted 12th January 2023 |
22/03870/LB | ViewReplace all windows on the front elevation. | ViewTanner Beck House Main Street Staveley North Yorkshire HG5 9LD | 9th November 2022 | No Objection | Refused 19th January 2023 |
22/03571/AMENDS | ViewNon material amendment of Planning Permission 20/01607/FUL to change the flat roof finish using artificial grass. | ViewWest View Barn Arkendale Road Staveley North Yorkshire HG5 9JU | 23rd September 2022 | No Objection | Permitted 27th September 2022 |
22/03542/TCON | ViewTree works within the Staveley Conservation Area. Felling of 1 no. spruce (T1) | ViewThe Old Stables Main Street Staveley North Yorkshire HG5 9LD | 13th September 2022 | No Objection | Permitted 26th September 2022 |
22/03393/FUL | ViewErection of single storey rear extension and alterations to existing sun room extension. | ViewMoor End House Arkendale Road Staveley North Yorkshire HG5 9JU | 31st August 2022 | No Objection | Permitted 25th October 2022 |
22/03090/DVCON | ViewApplication to vary condition 5 (habitable accomodation occupation) of Planning Permission 19/04627/FUL. | ViewWayside Nurseries Minskip Road Staveley North Yorkshire HG5 9LQ | 8th August 2022 | No Objection | Permitted 3rd October 2022 |
22/02941/FUL | ViewConversion of loft with dormers and rooflights to front and rear elevations. | ViewHighfield St Mongahs Lane Copgrove North Yorkshire HG3 3SZ | 23rd August 2022 | No Objection | Permitted 14th October 2022 |
22/02320/FUL | ViewErection of a steel portal frame agricultural building for cattle and formation of area of hardstanding. | ViewCopgrove Hall Stud Copgrove Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 3TH | 8th July 2022 | No Objection | Permitted 22nd August 2022 |
22/01771/TPO | ViewCrown reduction by 2.25m and south lateral reduction by 1m of 1 Willow (T1). Crown reduction by 3m and lower branch lateral reduction by 1.5m of 1 Willow (T2). | ViewManor Farm, Main Street Staveley Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 9LD | 2nd May 2022 | No Objection | Refused 15th June 2022 |
22/01059/FUL | ViewProposed replacement of existing stables with new barn | ViewEast View Barn Bedlam Lane Staveley North Yorkshire HG5 9JU | 3rd May 2022 | No Objection | Refused 9th August 2022 |
22/00788/TCON | ViewCrown reduction by 2.5m, South side lateral reduction by 1.25m and north side lateral reduction by 5m of 1 Willow (T1). Crown reduction by 3.25m and lateral reduction by 2m of 1 Willow (T2). Within Staveley Conservation Area. - | ViewManor Farm Main Street Staveley Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 9LD | 23rd February 2022 | No Objection | TPO Issued 30th March 2022 |
21/05499/TCON | View2. no Horse Chestnuts (T1-T2) crown reduction by up to 2m back to previous pruning points. 2 no. Conifer (T3- T4) crown reduction by up to 1.5m back to previous pruning points. G1- this group is made up of conifers, sycamore, ash, holly and hawthorn. We wish to reduce it back down to previous pruning points. About 4.5m. 1 no. Ash (T5) fell - poor health and rot at the base. 3 no. Horse Chestnut (T6-T8) re pollard back to previous pruning cuts. 2 no. Hawthorn (T9-T10) crown reduce by up to 2m to | ViewOrchard Cottage Main Street Staveley HG5 9LD | 30th December 2021 | No Objection | Permitted 5th January 2022 |
21/05449/DISCON | ViewApproval of details required under condition 3 (noise control), condition 4 (landscaping) and condition 6 (external lighting) of Planning Permission 21/04189/FUL: Amended application of previous submission 20/05185/FUL. Retrospective erection of extension following approval of application 19/02749/FULMAJ. | ViewJubilee Court, Abacus House Wath Lane Copgrove HG3 3TB | 17th December 2021 | Objection | Withdrawn 14th March 2022 |
21/04592/FUL | ViewProposed extension to existing dwelling | ViewWhite Horse Barn, Little Acres, Bedlam Lane, Staveley, HG5 9JU | 27th October 2021 | Objection | Permitted 15th December 2022 |
21/04189/FUL Retention of extension to building an | ViewAmended application of previous submission 20/05185/FUL. Retrospective erection of extension following approval of application 19/02749/FULMAJ. | ViewJubilee Court, Abacus House Wath Lane Copgrove HG3 3TB | 22nd September 2021 | Objection | Refused 9th December 2022 |
21/04189/FUL | ViewAmended application of previous submission 20/05185/FUL. Retrospective erection of extension following approval of application 19/02749/FULMAJ. | ViewJubilee Court, Abacus House Wath Lane Copgrove HG3 3TB | 22nd September 2021 | Objection | Refused 9th December 2021 |
21/04092/TCON | ViewFell of 3 no. Conifers and canopy lift by 2 metres (T1) Reduction of canopy by 2.5 metres on 1 no. Yew (T2) Canopy raise of maximum 3 metres to 1 no. Lime (T3) Canopy raise of maximum 3 metres to 1 no. Sycamore (T3) Fell of 7 no. Leylandii (T4) | ViewRed House Main Street Staveley Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 9LD | 29th November 2021 | No Response Yet | Permitted 29th November 2021 |
21/03234/FUL | ViewExtension to Existing Car Park. | ViewJubilee Court, Abacus House Wath Lane Copgrove HG3 3TB | 29th July 2021 | Objection | Withdrawn 19th January 2022 |
21/03207/FUL | ViewInstallation of new sustainable wood burning appliance with external flue. | ViewJubilee Court, Abacus House Wath Lane Copgrove HG3 3TB | 29th July 2021 | Objection | Refused 21st December 2021 |
21/03196/FUL | ViewTemporary Storage tents | ViewJubilee Court, Abacus House Wath Lane Copgrove HG3 3TB | 6th August 2021 | Objection | Permitted 1st October 2021 |
21/03107/FUL | ViewErection of first floor extension and single storey extension, alterations to existing conservatory to form garden room, installation of first floor balcony, application of render and alterations to fenestration. (Revised Scheme). | ViewOrchard House St Mongahs Lane Copgrove Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 3SZ | 31st August 2021 | No Objection | Permitted 10th November 2021 |
21/02449/FUL | ViewProposed part conversion of detached garage into additional ancillary accommodation | ViewStaveley House Minskip Road Staveley HG5 9LQ | 6th July 2021 | No Response Yet | Permitted 25th August 2021 |
21/02355/FUL | ViewConversion of part of attached garage to form additional living accommodation and alterations to fenestration. - | ViewRowan Barn, Main Street, Staveley HG5 9LD | 28th May 2021 | No Response Yet | Permitted 15th July 2021 |
21/02200/FULMAJ | ViewFull planning permission for the residential development of 22 no. affordable homes, including access from Main Street, landscaping and drainage works. | ViewLand Comprising Field At 436673 462638, Main Street, Staveley | 5th November 2021 | Objection | Refused 3rd February 2022 |
21/02185/DVCON | ViewApplication to vary condition 4 (window frame materials) of planning permission 97/01016/FUL: Conversion of barn to form additional living accommodation. - | ViewThe Farthings Main Street Staveley HG5 9LD | 19th May 2021 | No Response Yet | Refused 2nd August 2021 |
21/02016/FUL | ViewDemolition of garage and porch. Erection of single storey garage, external steps to first floor terrace and replacement porch, re-roofing of existing dwelling, installation of wall and gates, alterations to fenestration, installation of 5no. rooflights and application of external render. - | ViewDowager House Main Street Staveley HG5 9LD | 9th May 2021 | No Response Yet | Permitted 11th August 2021 |
21/01813/LB | ViewSingle storey lean to extension providing ground level shower room & revised utility room. | ViewStaveley Mill Farm Main Street Staveley North Yorkshire HG5 9LE | 27th April 2021 | No Response Yet | Permitted 22nd June 2021 |
21/01812/FUL | ViewSingle storey lean to extension providing ground level shower room & revised utility room. | ViewStaveley Mill Farm Main Street Staveley North Yorkshire HG5 9LE | 27th April 2021 | No Response Yet | Permitted 22nd June 2021 |
21/01729/FUL | ViewRetrospective planning application for pallet store and associated landscaping. | ViewAbacus House Jubilee Court Wath Lane Copgrove Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 3TB | 11th May 2021 | Objection | Refused 3rd August 2021 |
21/01357/TCON | ViewFelling of 1 no. Cypress tree (T1). | ViewRed House Main Street Staveley HG5 9LD | 30th March 2021 | No Objection | Permitted 21st April 2021 |
21/01306/FUL | ViewDemolition of conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension | View12 Pinfold Green Staveley HG5 9LR | 26th March 2021 | No Response Yet | Permitted 13th May 2021 |
21/00970/FUL | ViewErection of first floor extension. | View5 Pinfold Green, Staveley, HG5 9LR | 9th March 2021 | No Objection | Permitted 29th April 2021 |
21/00893/FUL | ViewErection of single storey extension. | ViewThe Garden House, St Mongahs Lane, Copgrove, HG3 3SZ | 2nd March 2021 | No Objection | Permitted 26th April 2021 |
21/00857/FUL | ViewErection of porch to front. Erection of single storey side and rear extension. | ViewNew House, Main Street, Staveley HG5 9LD | 3rd March 2021 | No Objection | Permitted 16th April 2021 |
21/00777/FUL | ViewErection of first floor extension and single storey extension, alterations to existing conservatory to form garden room, installation of first floor balcony, application of render and alterations to fenestration. | ViewSeronera, St Mongahs Lane, Copgrove, HG3 3SZ | 25th February 2021 | No Objection | Permitted 26th April 2021 |
21/00591/DISCON | ViewApproval of details required under condition 3 (materials samples) of planning permission 20/02479/FUL and listed building consent 20/03180/LB -Erection of single storey extension including rebuilding of wall and outbuildings to form garden room. | ViewHope Cottage, Main Stree,t Staveley HG5 9LD | 4th February 2021 | No Objection | Confirmed Discharge 16th February 2021 |
21/00060/NREVCO | ViewAppeal lodged with ref COUNCIL REF: 21/00060/NREVCO APPEAL REF: APP/E2734/D/21/3280843 | ViewThe Farthings Main Street Staveley HG5 9LD | 20th August 2021 | No Response Yet | Dismissed 18th October 2021 |
20/05185/FUL | ViewErection of extension following approval of application 19/02749/FULMAJ. | ViewJubilee Court, Abacus House, Wath Lane, Copgrove HG3 3TB | 24th December 2020 | No Response Yet | Withdrawn |
20/04972/FUL | ViewErection of single storey extension. | View3 Home Farm Cottages, Copgrove Hall, Copgrove HG3 3SZ | 10th December 2020 | No Objection | Permitted 2nd February 2021 |
20/04737/FUL | ViewDemolition of agricultural building and erection of single storey extension to existing dwelling: extension of domestic curtilage. | ViewWhite Horse Barn, Little Acres, Bedlam Lane, Staveley HG5 9JU | 11th December 2020 | No Objection | Refused 1st February 2021 |
20/04663/DISCON | ViewDrawing 3705/1 _ Detailed Landscape Proposals. | ViewSuite 1 Abacus House, Jubilee Court, Wath Lane, Copgrove, HG3 3TB | 24th November 2020 | No Response Yet | Withdrawn 7th July 2021 |
20/04502/FUL | ViewFirst floor side extension above garage. | ViewSwallowfields 5 St Mongahs Court Copgrove HG3 3TY | 16th November 2020 | No Objection | Permitted 12th January 2021 |
20/04002/TCON | ViewFelling of 1no. Cedar Tree in Staveley Conservation Area. | ViewHalesfield, Main Street, Staveley, HG5 9JY | 21st October 2020 | No Objection | TPO Issued 19th November 2020 |
20/03602/FUL | ViewErection of conservatory and detached triple garage. | ViewEast View Barn, Bedlam Lane | 2nd November 2020 | Objection | Permitted 8th February 2021 |
20/03180/LB | ViewErection of single storey extension including rebuilding of outbuildings to form garden room. | ViewHope Cottage, Main Street, Staveley HG5 9LD | 12th August 2020 | No Objection | Permitted 9th December 2020 |
20/03154/TCON | ViewDansom T1 - Lift to approx 3m off neighbours side, crown reduction by approx 1m all round. Fruit Tree T2 - Reduce by approx 1m to just above previous pruning points to suitable growth points, reducing end weight, also dead wood. | ViewApril Cottage, Main Street, Staveley HG5 9LD | 19th August 2020 | No Objection | Permitted 11th September 2020 |
20/03116/LB | ViewErection of single storey rear extension infill and replacement windows in existing extension | ViewTanner Beck House Main Street Staveley HG5 9LD | 17th August 2020 | No Objection | Permitted 4th February 2021 |
20/03115/FUL | ViewErection of single storey rear extension infill and replacement windows in existing extension | ViewTanner Beck House Main Street Staveley HG5 9LD | 3rd September 2020 | No Objection | Permitted 4th February 2021 |
20/02992/FUL | ViewErection of utility room extension and alterations to existing rear extension to form flat roof. | ViewBlessingbourne, 1 Pinfold Green, Staveley, HG5 9LR | 25th August 2020 | No Objection | Permitted 30th October 2020 |
20/02675/TPO | ViewCrown lift to 3m-4m 1 no. Oak tree of Tree Preservation Order 68/2008 | ViewOakgarth, 22 Low Field Lane, Staveley, HG5 9LB | 22nd July 2020 | No Objection | Permitted 25th September 2020 |
20/02479/FUL | ViewErection of single storey extension including rebuilding of outbuildings to form garden room. | ViewHope Cottage Main Street Staveley Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 9LD | 24th August 2020 | No Objection | Permitted 9th December 2020 |
20/02412/FUL | ViewConversion of domestic storage building to residential use (holiday let) and external alterations including formation of new pitched roof and wall cladding. | ViewLittle Acres Bedlam Lane Staveley North Yorkshire | 18th September 2020 | Objection | Withdrawn 12th November 2020 |
20/02303/FUL | ViewRetrospective application for the relocation of existing pallet store. | ViewJubilee Court, Abacus House, Wath Lane, Copgrove, HG3 3TB | 29th June 2020 | Objection | Refused 20th January 2021 |
20/01607/FUL | ViewErection of conservatory and car port/store and extension of domestic curtilage. | ViewWest View Barn, Bedlam Lane, Staveley, HG5 9JU | 26th May 2020 | No Objection | Permitted 1st September 2020 |
20/01496/FUL | ViewErection of outbuilding to provide home office and removal of existing shed. | ViewOrchard Corner, Arkendale Road, Staveley, HG5 9JX | 3rd May 2020 | No Objection | Permitted 8th July 2020 |
20/01358/FUL | ViewTemporary retention (up to 6 months) of strain supports and the temporary use of yard (up to 8 weeks) as a testing site for prototype transmission pole designs. | ViewEnergyline Ltd, Unit 5 Jubilee Court, Wath Lane, Copgrove, HG3 3TB | 22nd April 2020 | No Objection | Permitted 11th June 2020 |
20/01116/TPO | ViewCrown Lift (to 2.6m) of 3 Ash Trees within G1 of Tree Preservation Order 20/2017. | ViewBarley Court, Arkendale Road, Staveley | 23rd March 2020 | No Objection | Permitted 11th June 2020 |
20/01030/FUL | ViewErection of 5 dwellings, open space and associated infrastructure. | ViewLand Comprising Field At 434582 463336, Copgrove | 18th March 2020 | Objection | Refused 30th June 2020 |
20/00944/CMA | ViewConsultation on planning application for erection of single storey extension (23 sq. metres), permeable paving (12 sq. metres) and relocation of existing shed. | ViewStaveley County Primary School, Minskip Road, Staveley, HG5 9LQ | 6th March 2020 | No Objection | Permitted 16th April 2020 |
20/00388/FUL | ViewInstallation of 3 no roof lights | View1 Lodge Cottage, Main Street, Staveley, HG5 9NJ | 18th February 2020 | No Objection | Permitted 14th April 2020 |
19/04895/DVCON | ViewVariation of condition 2 (approved plans) to allow for changes to fenestration, doors and internal layouts of planning permission 18/00027/FUL - Erection of two detached houses and two detached bungalows with car ports (Revised Scheme). | ViewBarley Court, Arkendale Road, Staveley | 25th November 2019 | Objection | Permitted 24th January 2020 |
19/04806/FUL | ViewRetrospective application for the erection of automated gates and gate posts. | ViewOrchard Corner, Arkendale Road, Staveley, HG5 9JX | 17th January 2020 | Objection | Refused 20th July 2020 |
19/04627/FUL | ViewProposed garage conversion to provide additional ancillary accommodation with formation of window and Juliet balcony; installation of balcony to rear, and alterations to fenestration. | ViewWayside Nurseries, Minskip Road, Staveley, HG5 9LQ | 11th November 2019 | Comments Only | Permitted 26th February 2020 |
19/04431/DISCON | ViewApproval of details required under condition 3 (materials) of Planning Permission 19/01609/FUL- Erection of bird watching hide. | ViewLand Comprising Staveley Nature Reserve, Staveley | 17th October 2019 | No Objection | Confirmed Discharge 5th December 2019 |
19/04377/FUL | ViewTemporary use of yard as a testing site for prototype transmission pole designs for a period of 6 months; Retention of associated strain supports and conductors. | ViewEnergyline Ltd, Unit 5 Jubilee Court, Wath Lane, Copgrove, HG3 3TB | 15th October 2019 | Comments Only | Permitted 6th December 2019 |
19/04214/FUL | ViewErection of detached annex. | ViewStubbings Barn, Green Lane, Burton Leonard, HG3 3TS | 16th October 2019 | No Objection | Refused 5th December 2019 |
19/04066/AMENDS | ViewNon material amendment to allow changes to elevational details, including changes to doors and windows of planning permission 18/00027/FUL - Erection of two detached houses and two detached bungalows with car ports (Revised Scheme). | ViewBarley Court, Arkendale Road, Staveley | 23rd September 2019 | No Objection | Refused 31st October 2019 |
19/03894/FUL | ViewDemolition of existing garage. Erection of 1 single-storey extension. (Revised scheme) | View11 Low Field Lane, Staveley, HG5 9LB | 12th September 2019 | No Objection | Permitted 6th November 2019 |
19/03787/FULMAJ | ViewProposed residential development of 13 no. dwellings and associated works. | ViewLand Comprising Field At 436673 462638, Main Street, Staveley | 4th October 2019 | Objection | Withdrawn 12th February 2020 |
19/03685/LB | ViewListed building consent for alterations to single storey pitched roof to form hipped roof with lantern; raising of eaves and installation of parapet and lantern to flat roof; installation of terrace, repositioning of door; alteration to fenestration; removal of partition walls; installation of partition walls and internal doors; formation of window seat. | ViewRed House, Main Street, Staveley, HG5 9LD | 19th September 2019 | No Objection | Permitted 27th November 2019 |
19/03684/FUL | ViewAlterations to single storey pitched roof to form hipped roof with lantern; raising of eaves and installation of parapet and lantern to flat roof; installation of decking, repositioning of door and alteration to fenestration. | ViewRed House, Main Street, Staveley, HG5 9LD | 12th September 2019 | No Objection | Permitted 27th November 2019 |
19/03626/DISCON | ViewApproval of details required under condition(s) 3 (Materials), 4 ( Gates and Walls), 9 ( Discharge of Surface Water), and 11 (electric vehicles), of Planning Permission 18/00027/FUL - Erection of two detached houses and two detached bungalows with car ports (Revised Scheme). | View Land Comprising Field At 436781 462451, Arkendale Road, Staveley | 28th August 2019 | No Objection | Permitted 15th November 2019 |
19/03403/TCON | ViewFelling of 1 Rowan tree within Staveley Conservation Area. | ViewBryony Cottage, Main Street, Staveley, HG5 9LD | 13th August 2019 | No Objection | Permitted 27th August 2019 |
19/02749/FULMAJ | ViewErection of extension to storage facility for Unit K. | ViewJubilee Court, Suite 1, Abacus House, Wath Lane, Copgrove, HG3 3TB | 3rd July 2019 | Objection | Withdrawn 26th August 2020 |
19/02664/DISCON | ViewApproval of details required under conditions 5 (RPA Fencing), 7 (great crested newts) and 8 (ecological and landscaping) of planning permission 18/00027/FUL - Erection of two detached houses and two detached bungalows with car ports (Revised Scheme). | ViewLand Comprising Field At 436781 462451, Arkendale Road, Staveley | 21st June 2019 | No Objection | Confirmed Discharge 13th November 2019 |
19/02589/FUL | ViewConversion of outbuilding to holiday let accommodation, alterations to fenestration and erection of porch. | ViewMoor End Farm, Arkendale Road, Staveley, HG5 9JU | 1st July 2019 | No Objection | Permitted 19th August 2019 |
19/02392/FUL | ViewDemolition of garage and erection of single storey extension. | View11 Low Field Lane, Staveley, HG5 9LB | 6th June 2019 | No Objection | Permitted 26th July 2019 |
19/01609/FUL | ViewErection of bird watching hide. | ViewLand Comprising Staveley Nature Reserve, Staveley | 3rd May 2019 | No Objection | Permitted 26th June 2019 |
19/01430/FUL | ViewFormation of driveway hard-standing with associated landscaping; formation of boundary access; lowering of kerb - REVISED SCHEME. | View11 Pinfold Green, Staveley, HG5 9LR | 24th April 2019 | No Objection | Permitted 17th July 2019 |
19/01162/FUL | ViewErection of single storey extension and porch. | ViewNew House, Main Street, Staveley, HG5 9LD | 13th March 2019 | No Objection | Permitted 12th July 2019 |
19/00629/FUL | ViewErection of agricultural storage shed; Demolition of 3 no. storage sheds. | ViewThe Garden House, Main Street, Staveley, HG5 9LD | 18th February 2019 | Objection | Permitted 13th November 2019 |
19/00084/FUL | ViewDemolition of sun room; Erection of two-storey extension; Installation of windowhead; Landscaping. | View15 Pinfold Green, Staveley, HG5 9LR | 9th January 2019 | No Objection | Permitted 1st March 2019 |
19/00027/FUL | ViewTemporary use of yard as a testing site for prototype transmission pole designs for a period of 6 months; Installation of associated strain supports and conductors. | ViewEnergyline Ltd, Unit 5 Jubilee Court, Wath Lane, Copgrove, HG3 3TB | 8th January 2019 | No Objection | Permitted 4th March 2019 |
18/05311/TCON | ViewFelling of 1 no. Silver Birch tree in Staveley Conservation Area. | ViewOrchard Cottage, Main Street, Staveley, HG5 9LD | 24th December 2018 | No Objection | Withdrawn 17th January 2019 |
18/05278/FUL | ViewErection of two and single storey extensions and a porch. | View8 Spellow Crescent, Staveley, HG5 9LJ | 21st December 2018 | No Objection | Permitted 25th February 2019 |
18/05166/FUL | ViewAlterations to boundary wall to form access; Installation of dropped kerb. | ViewNew House, Main Street, Staveley, HG5 9LD | 15th January 2019 | No Objection | Permitted 5th April 2019 |
18/05146/FULMAJ | ViewErection of 26 dwellings, open space and associated infrastructure. | ViewLand East Of St Mongah\'s Court, Copgrove, HG3 3TA | 21st December 2018 | Objection | Refused 17th June 2019 |
18/04182/PNX | ViewErection of a single storey rear extension, extending 4 metres from the original rear wall and with a ridge height of 3.6 metres and an eaves height of 2.4 metres. | View4 Low Field Lane, Staveley, HG5 9LB | 9th October 2018 | No Objection | Prior Approval Not Required 2nd November 2018 |
18/03754/TCON | ViewWorks to various trees in Staveley Conservation Area. | ViewOrchard Cottage, Main Street, Staveley, HG5 9LD | 10th September 2018 | No Objection | Permitted 8th October 2018 |
18/03308/LB | ViewListed building consent for the erection of a detached garage. | ViewStaveley Court, Main Street, Staveley, HG5 9LD | 9th August 2018 | Comments Only | Refused 20th November 2018 |
18/03307/FUL | ViewErection of a detached garage. | ViewStaveley Court, Main Street, Staveley, HG5 9LD | 9th August 2018 | Comments Only | Refused 8th March 2019 |
18/03129/FUL | ViewFormation of driveway hard-standing with associated landscaping; Formation of boundary access; Lowering of kerb. | View11 Pinfold Green, Staveley, HG5 9LR | 13th August 2018 | No Objection | Refused 15th November 2018 |
18/02931/FUL | ViewInstallation of access gates and associated alterations to hardstanding. | ViewCopgrove Hall Stud, Copgrove, HG3 3TH | 20th July 2018 | No Objection | Permitted 14th September 2018 |
18/00027/FUL | ViewErection of two detached houses and two detached bungalows with car ports (Revised Scheme). | ViewLand Comprising OS Field 7845 Arkendale Road, Staveley | 8th January 2018 | Objection | Permitted 10th June 2019 |
17/04939/FUL | ViewSiting of shipping container | ViewLand Comprising Staveley Nature Reserve, Staveley | 15th November 2017 | No Objection | Permitted 10th January 2018 |
The Terms and Conditions of using the LPA planning portal are available here .
As an individual, you may make your own comment on any planning application, via the LPA planning portal here . Information on how to make a comment is available here . There is also information on how to ‘have your say‘ on new development here . This includes advice on what comments will and will not be taken into consideration.
Material Considerations
Comments will only be taken into account if they fall within what are known as Material Considerations. The LPA is not a free agent when it considers planning applications; its discretion to act is limited by planning law and Government policy.
Comments on the following are considered material to a planning application:
Consideration |
The Local Plan/Local Development Framework |
Other planning policies and Supplementary Planning guidance and documents published by the LPA |
The National Planning Policy Framework and other Government advice |
Highway safety, (directly in the case of a dangerous access or indirectly in terms of car parking and traffic generation) |
Landscape impact |
Local amenity, noise and privacy |
Conservation of buildings, trees etc. |
Case law and previous decisions |
Siting, design, appearance, materials and scale of proposed buildings and landscaping of a site |
Public services such as sewage and surface water drainage |
Safeguarding including flooding, airfield flight paths and important mineral reserves |
Public proposals for the same land (such as a site for a new school or a road improvement |
Contaminated or unstable land |
Public rights of way |
Comments on the following are not considerered material to a planning application:
Consideration |
Trade objections from potential competitors, or a form of development you would prefer |
Moral objections, for instance against amusement centres, betting shops and licensed premises |
The Party Wall Act 1996 controls work carried out on, or in the proximity of, a party wall. Information explaining how the controls operate is available from the Planning Portal. |
Allegations that the proposal might affect private rights (e.g. restrictive covenants and rights to light) Objectors should consult their own solicitor – it is not possible for Council officers to advise on private rights |
The loss of an attractive private view (for instance when development is proposed on the opposite side of the road to, or to the rear of, an objector’s house) |
The fear that an objector’s house may be devalued |
The fact that the development has already begun (people can carry out development at their own risk before planning permission has been granted and the Council has to judge the development on its own merits) |
The belief that an application is submitted by the owner with the intention of selling the property at an enhanced value |
The fact that the applicant does not own the land, (this can be overcome with the agreement of the owner). There is a legal obligation that proper notice of the making of the application is given to the owner |
Permitted Development Rights
You can perform certain types of work without needing to apply for planning permission. These are called permitted development rights (PDRs). They derive from a general planning permission granted not by the LPA but by Parliament. Bear in mind that the PDRs which apply to many common projects for houses do not apply to flats, maisonettes or other buildings. Similarly, commercial properties have different PDRs to dwellings.
It should also be noted that the LPA may have removed some PDRs by issuing an Article 4 direction. This will mean that it is necessary to submit a planning application for work which normally does not need one. Article 4 directions are made when the character of an area of acknowledged importance would be threatened. They are most common in conservation areas.