The Parish Council has decided on the combined civil parishes of Staveley and Copgrove as the Neighbourhood Plan area . The map below shows the boundary of the plan area.

Staveley & Copgrove Parish Council
Local Government in North Yorkshire
The Parish Council has decided on the combined civil parishes of Staveley and Copgrove as the Neighbourhood Plan area . The map below shows the boundary of the plan area.
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Description: An animal pound where stray livestock were impounded. Animals were kept in a dedicated enclosure, until claimed by their owners, or sold to cover the costs of impounding. The term pinfold is saxon in origin and common in the north of England. A village pound was a feature of most English medieval villages.
Location: Arkendale Road, Staveley.
Size: approx 250 sq mt including the adjacent land.
Grid Reference: SE 367 626
Acquisition: Erected in 1832 by public subscription and restored in 1986.
Date: Not known
Cost: £20,470
Current Valuation: £20,470
Current Use: Public amenity
Further Information: In 2012, thanks to an initiative by Staveley resident Ken Barker, a rose garden was planted in land next to the Pinfold to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. In 2019 a new gate to the Pinfold was installed by D.Hargreaves (Blacksmith) of The Forge, Coneythorpe.
Image to follow
Description: Assorted equipment used by the Community Speed Watch team.
Location: Used at various sites around Staveley. Stored in the village hall.
Acquisition: 2022
Estimated Value: £500
Description: Speed travelling and “Slow Down” flashing sign, fixed to street lighting pole. Moveable between locations.
Location: 1. Opposite Church, Main Street, Staveley. 2. Next to bus stop, Minskip Road, Staveley.
Acquisition: 2023
Estimated Value: £4,000
Description: Four sided seat with central planter.
Location: Recreation Field, Arkendale Road, Staveley.
Acquisition: 2021
Estimated Value: £1,000
Description: 5 wooden benches at various locations around the two villages.
Estimated Value: £1,900 for benches 1 – 4
Bench No. 1
Location: Wath Lane, Staveley.
Grid Reference: SE 359 625
Acquisition: 1995
Bench No. 2
Location: Village Green West, Staveley.
Grid Reference: SE 363 627
Acquisition: 1995
Bench No. 3
Location: Village Green West, Staveley.
Grid Reference: SE 363 627
Acquisition: 1995
Bench No. 4
Location: Main Street, Staveley.
Grid Reference: SE 365 627
Acquisition: 1995
Bench No.5
This seat was removed in 2020.
Location: Arkendale Road, Staveley.
Grid Reference: SE 368 624
Bench No.6
Location: Open space on St. Mongah’s Lane, Copgrove.
Grid Reference: SE 345 633
Estimated Value: £475
Acquisition: 2002
Description: 2 signs indicating entry to Copgrove, 1 on Wath Lane and 1 on Apron Lane.
Estimated Value: £710
Acquisition: Purchased in November 2020 and installed in February 2021.
Wath Lane – Grid Reference:
Apron Lane – Grid Reference:
Description: 2 allotment plots leased annually to local residents.
Location: Arkendale Road, Staveley.
Grid Reference: SE
Rented From: Harrogate Borough Council
Rental Fee: £40 per annum per site
Lease Agreement
Description: Enclosed field of public open space with a fenced children’s play area and small football pitch.
Location: Arkendale Road, Staveley.
Grid Reference: SE
Rented From: Staveley Relief in Need Charity
Rental Fee: £70 per annum
Description: Triangle of land registered to the Parish Council under Section 3 of the Commons Registration Act 1965 when no evidence of ownership was offered to the Commissioner at a hearing in Harrogate on 31st October 1973. A copy of the decision notice is available here.
Location: In front of the Royal Oak pub Main Street, Staveley
Grid Reference: SE 363 627
Date: 9th November 1973
Cost: £0
Current Valuation:
Current Use: Public open space
Description: Former allotment site, purchased from the estate of F.L. Knowlson. A copy of the deed of conveyance is available here.
Location: Junction of Main Street, Minskip Road and Arkendale Road, Staveley.
Grid Reference: SE 366 627
Date: 2nd September 1986
Cost: £750
Current Valuation: £750
Current Use: Public open space
From the Archive: Oak Tree Planting
Description: Wooden bench set within a stone surround.
Location: Junction of Main Street, Minskip Road and Arkendale Road, Staveley.
Grid Reference: SE 366 627
Estimated Value: £2,375
From the Archive: The seat when new in 1990
Description: Ex BT telephone box, now home to the village public defibrillator unit. The phobe box is a K6, designed by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott in 1936 and introduced to celebrate the King George V Silver Jubilee. It was probably installed under the ‘Jubilee Concession’, which meant kiosks were installed in every town and village with a Post Office. The K6 was 80 years old in 2016.
Location: Opposite the village green east, Main Street, Staveley.
Grid Reference: SE 366 627
Acquisition: Phone box purchased from BT in May 2016 for a nominal sum of £1. The defibrillator was purchased from Wel Medical Ltd. and installed in June 2016.
Cost: £1,800
Current Valuation: Defibrillator £1,800. Replacement cost of K6 approx £2,500 plus delivery and installation.
Further Information:The defibrillator is checked weekly by the local Community First Responders coordinator. See Community First Responders for more details on how to use the unit.
Description: Childrens Playground, located on the recreation field comprising the following equipment items:
Wicksteed Whirly Bird
Record Cradle Swings
Record Flat Seat Swings
Hags Multi Pondo
Play and Leisure Multi Unit
Play and Leisure Fish Spring Mobile
Ledon Car Spring Mobile
Fencing and Gates
The playground is inspected annually by RoSPA and four times per year by a local specialist contractor. It is also visually inspected weekly by a team of local volunteers and stands on land rented annually from the Staveley Relief in Need Charity.
More information about the development of the childrens play area is available here. Maintenance of the playground is one of the Parish Council’s ongoing projects. Progress on the project can be seen by selecting the Children’s Play Area project page.
Location: Arkendale Road, Staveley.
Grid Reference: SE 366 625
Acquisition: Adopted .
Estimated Value: £12,000
Description: Safety barrier alongside the pull-in in front of the primary school. The Parish Council financed the barrier following the withdrawal of funds by North Yorkshire County Council.
Location: In front of primary school, Minskip Road, Staveley.
Grid Reference: SE 366 628
Date: November 2011
Cost: £550
Current Use: Public safety barrier
Description: 3 village notice boards at various locations around the two villages.
Total Estimated Value: £1,425
Notice Boards 1 and 2
Location: Village Green East, Main Street, Staveley.
Grid Reference: SE 366 627
Estimated Value: £950
Acquisition: 1997 and 2005/6
Key Holder(s): Bill Kirkpatrick, Neil Horton
Notice Board 3
Location: Start of St. Mongah’s Lane, Copgrove.
Grid Reference: SE 345 632
Estimated Value: £475
Acquisition: 2002
Key Holder(s): Peter Edwards
Description: A row of posts and chains along the edge of the village green west and the unmade road in front of the Royal Oak pub, acting as a barrier to prevent car parking on the green.
Location: Village Green West, Main Street, Staveley.
Grid Reference: SE 363 627
Date: Not known
Cost: £665
Current Use: Boundary fence
Description: Coated steel frame, clear screen shelter with 4 seats
Location: On village green east, Main Street, Staveley.
Grid Reference: SE 366 627
Acquisition: January 2012. Purchased by the Parish Council, thanks to a donation from Abacus, a local employer based at Jubilee Court, Copgrove.
Estimated Value: £1,900
Maintenance: North Yorkshire Councy Council are responsible for looking after bus stops and shelters across the county.
Further Information: See Extras – Public Transport and Extras – External Links for bus timetables.